Boys In The Bathroom

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George Harrison let out a sigh, the cold air hitting his face as he stepped out of the bar, a small refreshment from what he just witnessed. He had caused a right scene, he didn't even have the right to kick off but he didn't care. The devastation that had washed over him was just too much. It was going fine at first, the foursome had just finished an interview regarding their new album Please Please Me (1963) and had gone to the bar afterwards to relax after the hectic day after enduring hours of makeup, interviews where he was asked the same question for what felt like the millionth of times and running from the press from one car to another. So it felt like it was only fair for them to have at least a little bit of downtime at the end of that day. Little did George know that this would be the most stressful part of the day.

The trip to a bar was going fine, great even, till he saw it. He had always suspected that Paul and John had something going on, but once he saw it, the realization came crashing down on him.

*at the bar*

"I and Paul are going to go to the bathroom, keep an eye on those birds for me, will ya?"

  John almost shouted, his words slightly slurred from the alcohol but still understandable. He had beads of sweat masking his forehead that was slightly reflecting the light from the LED lights put on the bar top.

  "Alright, don't be making out in the bathroom though!"

  Ringo yelled, seeing as John and Paul had already retreated to the dirty bathrooms in the back of the bar. The joking tone obvious in his voice. He didn't know why they always went to the bathroom together and stayed there for a quarter of an hour or so like birds often did, not that he cared though. Still, he couldn't help but wonder why, like what could they be doing in there?

"hey geo, ever wonder why they always go to the bathroom together?"

Ringo questioned George, turning on the bar stool they were sitting on so that he was facing George more. The youngest Beatle had always been cute to him, not Paul cute but still cute in a sort of unique way he couldn't quite describe. Maybe cute wasn't the word for it, his friend was slender cheekbones and a slim boyish figure. His eyes were a beautiful shape and had a beautiful hazel colour. Yeah, cute wasn't the word for it, maybe love? Endearment? He didn't know but he couldn't really label his conflicted feelings right now.

"I don't know, probably talking. But I have no idea what about."

He honestly didn't know, but George had a feeling in his gut that it would be something he didn't like. He had always been close to Paul, very close, as close as two friends could be. But John had always seemed to get in the way of me getting as close as I would like I would like to be to Paul. He always split them up, sharing rooms with Paul in hotels when George wanted to and constantly going off the "write" with Paul while George was talking to him. Which has resulted in him losing the close relationship he once had with Paul.

"Maybe we should go look, you know, get a little sneak peek at that Lennon-McCartney magic,"

Ringo suggested, joking again but still a hint of seriousness in his voice. Maybe it was the alcohol but it did seem like a good idea. Maybe he just wanted to know what John talks about that gets Paul glued to him 24/7. He hopes he doesn't see what he fears he might.

"yeah that's a good idea, not like we have anything to do, the girls left so why not mess about like lads?"

George agreed, the alcohol had Really gotten to him by now so he didn't care too much, he'd blame whatever happens on the alcohol. Ringo seemed taken back the suggestion, he didn't expect gorge to want to do it. Though now it did seem tempting. 

"Alright then! let's go see what they're up to shall we Georgie?"

  Ringo said, dunk driven excitement and curiosity prominent in his voice. Both boys stood up from their stools, leaving their drinks, and made their way to the murky bathrooms their friends had been in for about 10 minutes now. Ringo stopped George before he entered. He pushed the door open quietly. Though the duo would probably notice the door being opened due to the music getting significantly loader now it's not muffled by a door but Ringo still wanted to be as unnoticeable as possible.

  The two boys pocked their heads around the door and were stood still in shock once their eyes lay on the scene playing out in front of them. John had Paul sat on the counter with his legs spread, John in between them, and they were kissing. Fiercely at that. George felt anger brew inside him as he watched his two bandmates. He fucking knew it! He knew John and paul where close and it just makes sense that John would steel his potential lover like he stole his best friend.

Back to George's Pov

And that's what happened, he had barged in and pulled them apart, yelling insults at the two now lovers. John had tried to defend them, saying "why does it matter to you?!" and "why are you fucking watching us anyway!?" Whereas Paul just sat on the counter, silent and keeping his eyes fixed on the fool. Ringo went unnoticed entirely. He must have known it wasn't something he should be in, it was a matter between George and John. I didn't care anymore really. I decided I'd be more rational in the morning when in not tired and drunk as fuck. Best get settled to sleep.


So this is a very bad chapter! I wrote it about a month and a half ago but u think my writing has improved a lot since then! So the fanfic gets better after this shitty chapter!

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