Chapter 31 - Megan

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The weather was horrendous. The cabin had gathered in the living room, along with Simon and Josh. It looked like we were stuck here. Thank god Jay had managed to snag Rachel back from the wilderness. She hadn't said much about it but it sounded like she'd ran off of him, again, and this time he ran after her.

Thunder rolled in the distance, making me once again thankful Rachel wasn't out there. The heating was out but Josh managed to light a fire, it helped a little but it was still deathly cold. I squished closer to Rachel, huddling under both our duvets. Phoebe looked lonely and cold sitting by herself so I invited her to join us. Huddling under three duvets now, the room seemed a little warmer.

Unfortunately, now everyone wasn't worried about catching pneumonia the testosterone levels had also risen. Mumbling under my breath about arguments and idiots, I gave my death stare at the accused. Jonny had the right to look ashamed and move to the other side of the room, away from Will. Simon, however, seemed oblivious and was staring at Will as if he'd stolen his girl. Which I supposed he had. Just another thing on the long list of things he'd stolen.

Rachel was now sleeping with a stuffed shirt because she'd lost her beloved toy. I was managing without fudge but I missed the toy dearly.

"Hey Blondie, the sulking boy in the corner. Be a dear and get me a soda." Will was provoking Simon trying to get a raise. This annoyed me badly, I couldn't stand bullies. Especially when the ones being bullied were my friends, or in this case my shippling.

"I've got an idea, maybe you could get off your butt and get it yourself." My voice reeked of venom and hatred. So much so the whole cabin turned to me in shock. "We almost lost Rachel because of him. Don't expect me to play nice with him."

The reminder sent the cabin glowering at Will and caused Rachel to shift uncomfortably.

"Wow, looks like Cupid has a backbone after all. I didn't know you did under all those layers of shyness. I bet you've never even had a boyfriend."

My cheeks flushed with anger and my limbs started to shake. It took every ounce of patience to stop myself pouncing on him. Luckily, some of the others noticed I was on the brink of tears and instantly went to my defence. Blinking, I realised two things. One- the cabin had turned into pandemonium with a rift dividing everyone into two sides. Two- Simon was about to hit Will.

I was fed up with arguing and violence. Hell, I was going to have to yell wasn't I? My voice is really loud when I want it to be. Fortunately, it'll come in handy this time.

"Oi!" No response. "Oi!" Still no response. Sod it, I'd have to resort to a higher pitch. "Eeeeeeeee!!!" The high pitched wail made everyone stop and wince, covering their ears.

"Now. Stop the darn fighting. Simon let Will go."

Simon dropped Will and took a step away. Rather than be thankful, Will looked murderous.

"I can handle myself. Why did you do that? Don't tell people what to do. Pick a side, or stay out of it."

"Please." I scoffed. "I hate violence he was going to hit you. I'm firmly on the side which wants our stuff back, make no mistake. However, violence is not the answer. Neither is resorting to a bully-like nature."

The others seemed to stop but Will was still fuming. I considered setting my plan in action now, but Amelie couldn't get the sleeping pills. Something to do with a prescription. Everyone started settling in, ready to sleep whilst Will stood in the middle of the room glaring at me. Simon approached Billie and I was glad to see her share her duvet with him whilst he vacated the seat Will was previously sat in. Despite our differences, I was glad to see Billie with him. She deserves someone to take care of her.

Turning my back on Will, I flipped over on the sofa. Thinking about the relationships in the camp. Maybe Rachel would even find someone to ship me with. The idea made me laugh. Hmmm... Whatever happens next, I had a feeling things could only get better from here.

- Written by Megan Wiggins

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