Chapter 17 - Zulfa and Sam

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  • Dedicated to Zulfa Begum

It's the morning after and I briefly remember the eventful day when I stumbled into our room, stubbing my toe and spewing our profanities in the dark. Sam jolted up, mumbling 'Merry Christmas' before sliding back into bed and falling fast asleep.
I sleep on the top bunk and somehow my leg and duvet are over the side. I jump down and find Sam crouched in the floor near the rug. What people don't know is that there's a secret hatch with all our delicious supplies. Right now she was munching in pancakes and threw me a bag of Doritos.

"Hmm, very healthy," I say but she just shrugs, popping open a can of energy drink. There was a hoard of food down there, the camp food is rubbish. I'd given up wi-fi, no way were either of us giving up our food.

After getting dress, I in a Iron Man shirt whilst Sam was in her Okay shirt, we headed out only to stop short near Will's room. Sam and I grinned and walked over, our hands positioned to knock. With once last sneaky glance at each other, we knocked and tunefully sung, or shouted rather 'DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN?'

We heard a huge bump and opened the door. This was the first time we'd been in here and I was shocked. It was fairly clean, no messy clothes, no rancid boy smell but what stood out most was the 1D poster above Will's bed. I met his eyes and he looked stricken.
"It's not what it looks like," he gulps and climbs back on his bed. Our beautiful singing must have knocked him off.
"Looks like we have a hardcore Directioner in our midst," Sam taunted with a creepy smile. "What's next? Bieber fever?"

We laughed but he stood up angrily, shooing us out and shutting the door on us. I grabbed Sam's arm and steered her away, almost bumping into Mr Dreamy. We side stepped him and I swear he smelled like cornflakes...

We reached the hall and everyone was sat around eating breakfast. There was a mixed aroma of porridge, cereals and toast. Sam and I sat beside the others. I beside Billie whilst Sam was squashed next to Megan. My gaze darted around the table, examining their faces.
"You all look so happy," Sam commented on my thoughts exactly. I guess no-one is happy to be up at half seven in the morning, I could be asleep or better yet, asleep in my own bed in my own room in my own house but no.

Will strolled in, his hair dishevelled under a Tardis hat and in his hand he held something.

"What's that thing?" asked Travis, pointing at the item in Will's hand. Sam and I sniggered and I mumbled 'That's what she said' under my breath. Sam gave a laugh like snort. The boys ignored this and Will displayed his sonic screwdriver and pressed the button for full effect but the girls had at least smiled. Everyone was talking and complaining when Sam's phone began to ring.

"Oooh, it's Thomas the tank engine, you better pick up." I teased. She answered and started to get up to talk privately, but like hell I'd let that happen. "HOO HOO, BIG SUMMER BLOWJOB!" I yelled. Sam was laughing, Rachel was spluttering out her breakfast and Will didn't look that amused. Amélie looked over at us; her eyebrows furrowed giving me a warning. I mouth 'sorry' and pour myself some cereal.

She came back with a smile on her face, it was odd. She was grinning, and then it turned into a grimace and finally a funny face. She nudged me, I scoffed and I said "Hmm, you look better than usual."

After breakfast, we had to do a couple of activities for team building skills and whatnot but it meant exercise and that stuff should be banned. First, tug of war and yup, you've guessed it, boys versus girls.

I was at the back and Sam was somewhere in the middle, after a few tugs, I gave up and let go of the rope but no-one noticed. In the end there was no winner, instead a lot of bickering. I'm sure I heard someone say 'if I were Hulk I would have won.' Sure you would have, but you'd also be green in torn purple pants. You'd look fabulous.

After that, a human pyramid. It's a huge NOPE. Seconds later, the tower fell and everyone was a tangle of arms and legs. I'm sure Will's giant leg was kicking Jonny in the face.

There were more activities and more fights. It was all good fun until lunch. Sam and I came across a lot of...healthy food. There were salads, tofu, stir fry. Our eyes met and we retreated out of the hall and ran to our room, throwing the hatch open and stuffing our self with delicious cookies, Oreos, nutella on pancakes, Reese's cups and more.

I jumped onto the bunk, grabbing one of the two pillows on my bed. I ripped it open when the door swung open and Billie stood there.

"What are you guys doing?" she asked, her eyes trailing from the food on the floor and me. Thankfully the hatch was closed and out of sight but this food would be unexplainable.

"Where'd you get all this?" she queried and folded her arms over her chest.

"We sneaked it in," I shrugged and reached inside the pillow, ripping off the stuffing.

"You're gonna eat that?" Billie asked, her eyes wide open.

"It's candyfloss," I snigger then eat but it's disgusting, not melting in my mouth or sweet tasting. I spit it out and gag. I get stared at by Billie and Sam, whose face is filled with an Oreo of shame.

"Wrong pillow," I whisper and let it drop, sheepishly reaching for my second pillow. Sam snorts and keep chewing, calling me douche.

Billie says nothing, her expression is a cross between disbelief and 'you guys are crazy.' Her face then breaks out into a smile and she clicks the door shut. "So you gonna share those Oreos or what?"

- Written by Zulfa Begum and Samantha Hadigate

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