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So we are up to chapter 43 and we still haven't gotten many reads. I have a few ideas why:

A) this is the most stereotypical, corny, cringe, cheesy, terrible fanfiction ever

B) it's supposed to be like that I mean it's a one direction fanfiction what do you expect really

C) we update way too often

D) this story's plot is kinda unrealistic

E) our attempts to be funny suck

No one is even reading this. Like, if you're reading this, congratufuckinglations. Because this is the 43rd chapter and we suck at writing.

We promise this dumb fanfiction will come to an end soon. Unless it suddenly gets famous. Which will not happen. Hahaahahahaha

But we had heaps of fun writing this. So we will continue to write books on Wattpad! Unlucky for the world, since we suck.


Have a nice day. ♥️

From Mollyyyyyyyyyyy 😘


A taxi came to pick us up, and we drove home all smiling and laughing. The paparazzi was chasing our car, but we just sped off, and they eventually gave up.

Stepping out of the car, I thought about how far my life had come- from being a jobless Directioner to being HARRY FUCKING STYLES GIRLFRIEND WITH A MODELLING CONTRACT. Harry held my hand as we walked through the apartment, our new bodyguards fending off the cameras. I had gotten used to it by now. But every time a girl came up to me telling me they loved me, it brought me to tears. I was just an average girl, who had been through a miracle.

"Hey, Harry. You look happy," Liam greeted us from inside the apartment. He and Cheryl had stayed in for the day, having 'quality time' together. Harry smiled even wider.

"We did the most awesome photoshoot ever. Zera was beautiful," Harry said, flinging himself onto the couch. He just lay there, grinning.

"Hey. You make him really happy, you know that?" Liam whispered to me. I blushed and hugged him.

"He makes me happy, too," I whispered back. Harry looked up from the sofa.

"No whispering, you two. And where's Niall and Ella?" Good point- they had vanished.

"They're in Niall's room," Louis entered the room, smirking. I raised my eyebrows.

"What are they doing?" Cheryl called out from the kitchen.

"What do you think they're doing?" Louis laughed.

"HEY! WE'RE JUST TALKING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Niall yelled. We all laughed, and Ella stormed out of the bedroom. Her expression was so angry we kept laughing. She just stood there, shaking her head, and then left the room.

I guess it was that moment that I realised I felt like I belonged with these people.    

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