Chapter 9 - Bloodline

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Ava in the mm

Caine's point of View

I pulled up to the trap in less than ten minutes. Normally that would have been a forty-five minute drive but I ran a few stop signs... Plus I was kinda doing eighty down the side streets. Okay, I'll admit , I didn't stop at any of the stop signs and I was actually doing one hundred and eighty. Shit, I didn't play about my money so this shit had my adrenaline pumping. Then again this life excited me in general and I crave the thrill. My brothers and Caria consider me a hot head but I see it as, I just do whatever the hell I want fuck the consequences.

I hopped out the car ,slamming the door behind me as I looked over the trap. It was trashed on the outside and I had a feeling it was no better in inside. Windows were busted out, the door was kicked down and there was roses spray painted and a graffiti tags on the porch.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked Ry'yan as he came out the house.

"Mane, I don't even know. I went to go get something to eat , I come back the whole trap trashed & everybody in that bitch dead. Im glad I made that breakfast run. Anyway, when i pulled up some bitch was walking up. I asked her who she was she said she was lookin for her sister. She claim y'all kidnapped her." Ry'yan explained.

"Where she at ?" I asked confused looking around.

"I tied her up, she's in the basement. That shit just seemed suspect and I ain't wanna take no chances letting a suspect go."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Nigga stop smokin that shit and stop watching Criminal Minds; you sound like a damn detective." I say before walking into the house headed directly in the basement.

The girl's hair was wild and all over the place and her face was tear stained. Even though she was tied up she didn't seem scared, she just looked mad as hell. She was fine as fuck in a Hilary Banks from Fresh Prince Of Bel-air type of way. She was dressed like one of them college bitches but it worked for her. I bent down and snatched the tape off her mouth.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name Is Ava! My sister Asia-"
"-You're Asia's sister?"

"Yes, she has been missing for months. I don't know what she's thinking running around the city with grown ass men! Grown ass criminals at that!"

"Fuck you mean by that? Asia is in great hands."

"I know who you are, who your family is. Y'all are dangerous and Asia doesn't need to be associated with any of you."

"You know of us,you don't know us. You shouldn't judge people, it's unattractive." I snarled deciding I didn't like her.

" Where is she? She needs to come home with me. I just need to see my sister, I just need to know she's alright." Ava said becoming frustrated and fresh tears began to fall from her face.

"Aight crybaby, I'll take you to your sister." I agreed , but only because I love Asia. Asia is like family, so her sister like blood too.

Ava smiled looking at me. Yeah, she's bipolar as fuck. She'll fit right in with this moody ass family. "Sooo,are you gonna untie me?"

I laughed before untying her.

"Yeah Im sorry about that, My workers get paranoid. Somebody ran through this trap before you got here and he thought you was on some opp shit." I say helpig her up and she instantly began to dust herself off and fix herself.

"So where is my sister?" Ava asked as we exited the trap.

"Well you couldn't have been looking too hard; she should be on her way home from school."

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