Chapter 8 - Redemption

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Aniya in the mm

Chauncey's Point Of View

"Mr. Savvage , I understand your situation , but we have certified tutors and teachers that can help you professionally." The counselor explained.

"Nah, I don't want no professional help. I want Asia to help me."

"I understand, academically Ms. Moore excels but She does not work well with others."

"Fuck othas', she work well wit' me. Plus i don't need motherfuckas all in my damn business. " I say, the bitch was pissing me off.

"Excuse his language , what Chauncey is trying to explain to you is that he wants this to be confidential. He's insecure about it and he would rather keep his personal life personal. We just need it to be discretely made clear he's receiving extra help and that the teachers are aware of his situation. I am more than capable of tutoring him." Asia explained.

"Mom Can we stop at Cold Stone's on the way home ?" said a girl said busting into the office.

Off bells i remembered her. It was the blue green headed bitch whose nose Asia damn near broke the otha day. Asia must've remembered too because she was griming the hell out of her. You know females , if they beefin' they got beef for life.

"Aniya how many times do I have to tell you ?When my door is shut, knock before you enter." The counselor bitch says to the girl.

"My bad, I see you're with the new student. I'd be happy to show him around the school & make him feel welcomed if you need me to." Aniya said eye fucking me right in front of her mother.

"That won't be necessary. Bye now." Asia said faking a smile before damn near shoving her tongue down my throat for a good minute and then turned and mugged Aniya. Aniya looked at Asia in disgust then rolled her eyes.

"Look, I ain't- "

"-Niya go wait outside, we are dealing with personal matter. " the counselor said cutting Aniya off mid-sentence dismissing her & Niya smacked her lips and left slamming the door.

"Sorry about my daughter's behavior. I understand your situation; however, under the circumstances Im going to have to refer you to a school that can better suit your needs-"

"-Whatchu mean my needs? I ain't a dumby! I just have a hard time with the readin' shit and the writin' shit. "

"I don't mean any offense Mr.Savvage,what Im implying is you'll fall behind. There are schools designed to be the solution to your problem. As I look at your transcripts, I see you only have nine credits.Entering the 12th grade you are supposed to have 17. That already puts you well behind, and if you stay here at Carson there's no way you can graduate on time.These schools can help you acquire your needed credits and you could even graduate high school at an accelerated pace. I can print you out a list of the facilities if you like. " The counselor clarified.

"Aight', that's cool, I'll pick it up tomorrow mornin'. " I say then me and Asia left.

When we walked out the office Aniya was leaned up against the wall on her phone. Asia peeped, rolled her eyes, and curled her lip up in disgust; I just had to laugh. I love to see her jealous and territorial over me. It made a nigga feel special. I ain't eva had no girl otha than Caria to ride for me this hard. My own mama couldn't love me but Asia see the good in me.

She neva' judge me, and it seem like no matter what she always understand where a nigga comin' from. It's just somethin' about Asia that make a nigga feel nostalgic. I don't know how it happen but it did , it's crazy right? Now that I think about it,since the day we met , we ain't been apart and you know somethin'? I want it to be like this for the rest of our lives.

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