Chapter 19-

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Beep Beep Beep

My alarm clock goes off, disrupting my peaceful sleep. I groan and roll over to look at the clock, its only 6:10. Five more minutes I tell myself snuggling under my duvet.

"Mawy?" A soft voice whispers

"Huh wha?" I murmer opening my eyes. Becca stand next to my bed, her little face level with mine.

"Mawy? I woke up and got ready so we dont be late" 

My eyes widen and I look at my clock. Ah! I slept for another half an hour! I hop out of bed and scoop Becca into my arms. 

"Did you wake Tyler?" I ask her as I walk into Tyler's room

"Yeah, he's brushing his teeth!' Becca says 

"Thank you so much!" I say hugging her before setting her down. 

"And I got dwessed!" Becca says twirling around in her blue skirt and matching white shirt. 

"Wow that actually looks awesome!" I respond surprised

Tyler runs from the bathroom, "All ready!" 

"Wow you guys, thank you so much!" I smile walking downstairs "I'll make pancakes!"

"Yeah panacakes!" Becca screams running downstiars with Tyler right behind her.

I make the kids their favorite breakfeast of chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries, before heading upstairs to get ready. I brush through my wavy hair and pull on a yellow sundress. I return downstairs to find the kids finishing up their breakfeast. 

"Am I weady for school?" Becca asks 

I grab a papertowel and wipe her face off, "Yup!" I respond walking to the closet. I pull their backpacks out and Tyler grabs them.

"Mawy!" Becca yells suddenly, "dont forget tomowo is my birthday!"

I would never forget, "Ofcourse!" I respond buckling her in the car. Tyler hops in dramatically and closes the door before I pull out and heads towards their school.

"Hey Mary?" Tyler asks glancing out the window


"Will mommy be here for Becca's birthday?"

I take a deep breath and make a quick decisioon, "Yes, she is. Along with any friends Becca wants to invite!"

Tyler mumbles," oh great, a bunch of little girls" but he is drounded out by Becca's squeals.

"A Pawty! I wanna invite Leah and Taylor and Nia and Makenzie and Lilly...." Becca says seeming to name every girl in her class.

"Woah woah, how about you can invite four girls" I respond laughing as we pull into the drop off zone.

"Otay! When is my pawty?" she asks opening her door

I think to myself, I need decorations and food, "This weekend!" 

Becca grins before hopping out of the car and following Tyler into the sea of small children. I pull into the parking lot and make a list of what I need.

-Pink decorations

-A cake (princess)

-Hot dogs to grill

-those dolls that sing and change hair color for Becca's gift (even though they give me the creeps)

-Call Ms. Stanley and see if she can make it

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