Chapter 12- Beach Day!

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The bright California sun shines through the thin white cutains. It casts a bright spot on the kids bed, as they hide under the covers giggling softly. I quietly get out of my bed and hop onto theirs, yelling "Boo!"

"Ahhh its Mary!" Tyler screams standing up and jumping from his bed to mine. I roll Becca up in the duvet like a burrito, before ripping the curtains open. The sun is even brighter shining into the room. 

"So bright!" Becca says from her burrito. I jump onto the bed and unroll her. She giggles and sprints to the bathroom, good thing I unrolled her! Tyler continues to jump from bed to bed until I grab him and toss his little body onto the duvet. 

"Hahaha" Tyler laughs as I tickle him. Becca comes from the bathroom and jumps on top of Tyler. 

I laugh, "okay, okay, who's hungry?" I ask

"Me!" Tyler and Becca say

I walk over and open the kids suitcases. I pull out a little yellow sundress for Becca and shorts and a T-shirt for Tyler. We all get dressed and ready and head downstairs for breakfeast. 

Becca and Tyler follow me through the breakfeast bar. I help make them waffles and pour Becca orange juice. Tyler has his waffles with juice and a doughnut. Becca has cereal with her waffles and orange juice. I scoop some eggs and bacon onto my plate, before picking a small table in the corner for us to sit at. 

Becca struggles to cut her waffles with a spoon and I hand her a plastic knife. "Oh!" Becca says happily. 

Tyler pionts to the other side of the room and I turn my head. I see nothing and turn back and notice a piece of bacon is missing from my plate, and Tyler is chewing. 

"Good one!" I say laughing

We finish breakfeast and head back up to the room to pack up our things. Today we are moving into the new house, but not until after dinner time. Until then, I thought we could go downtown and visit the beach. 

We finish packing up all our belongings into our suitcases and check out. I put our suitcases in the car and drive downtown. I find a parking spot right along the beach and we walk into the cute little town. Shops line the sidewalk and their are poeple milling about. The sun beeats down but a soft breeze keeps it from being to hot. 

I take both the kids hands and walk into a beach store with toys. Becca leads us over to colorful buckets and shovels for in the sand. 

"Go ahead and pick out the one you want!" I say "We can go to the beach and play with them after this." 

Tyler picks a light blue pale and Becca picks a purple one. I buy a small bottle of sunscreen and pay for everything. 

We walk around a little bit more window shopping. But soon the kids want to go down to the beach. We walk back to our car and I help the kids change into their swimsuits before covering them in sunscreen. 

We race down to the sand and Tyler and I run until we are knee deep in the cool water. Becca stands on the sand apprehensivley. I walk to her and pick her up. 

"Its okay, look we  will go real slow" I tell her as I wade into the calm water. Her toes touch the water and she squeals happily. I laugh and hug her tight as a wave passes us. Tyler screams as the wave reaches his belly. 

"Ah its cold!" He says running shallower towards Becca and I. We walk a little bit towards the beach and I set Becca down in the water. It comes up to about her knees. She splashes around in the water, before walking in deeper. A wave rumbles towards us. Just before I reaches us I pick Becca up, the waves rolls by, and I set her back down.

"Mawy I jumped over the wave!" She sqeals happily

"Yeah, you can jump high!" I joke

"Lets have a wave jumping contest Becca!" Tyler says standing beside Becca. 

A wave rolls towards us and Tyler gets ready to jump. Becca jumps and I pick her up swinging over the wave. Tyler jumps seconds to late and the wave knocks him off his feet. He lands on his knees in the water, soaking his whole body exept his head.

He jumps up yelling, "ahhh cold!" but but before I can say anything plunges back into the water laughing. 

Becca gigles and picks up some wet sand, "it look like poop" she says

"No Becca its just sand!" I say laughing

"Lots of sand!" she says picking up more

"Yeah, do you wanna make a sandcastle with your new bucket?" I ask as Tyer trudges over to us.

" I do!" Tyler shouts running up onto the beach and towards out spot. Becca follows him and I'm not far behind. 

"I'll go get some water" Tyler says

"I'll get some sand" Becca says walking a couple of feet from me sitting in the sand before filling her bucket with more sand. 

Tyler runs back from the water and dumps the water in the sand next to me. He piles the now wet sand back into his bucket and we pat it down. Becca comes back with her sand and watches Tyler and I flip the bucket over and lift it off. 

"Wow cool!" Tyler says

"I decorate it!" Becca says picking out little pebbles from her bucket and placing them on the sandcastle. 

"Perfect!" Tyler says stepping back and admiring the sandcastle. 

"Yeah perfect!" I agree dusting the sand from my hands. 

"Can we go get some ting to eat now?" Becca asks

"Yeah this hard work makes me hungry!" Tyler laughs

"Sure, I saw a little resturaunt just up from the beach. Lets put some clothes on over our swimsuits and go eat!" I say

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