The Aquarium

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Single Yuri on Ice

"Papa! Wait for us!" 

I smile at the sound of Sam calling out, causing me to turn with a broad smile, "Sam I have to get our tickets so we can go see the fishes! Would you like to come with me?" His eyes light up as he dashes over to me, "Please Papa!" After lifting him to sit on my shoulders, I turn and wink at my wife, "I'll be right back love."

She smiles, giving my cheek a gentle kiss, "Hurry back handsome, we will meet you at the entrance." I ruffle Alice's hair, who gives a playful pout as she slips her beanie on over her now black hair before heading to the ticket kiosk. Sam busied himself by playing with my hair and asking questions; "Papa have you been here before?" 

I chuckle, moving through the line with ease, "Yep, I brought Mama here on a date." 

"What kind of fish are here?"

"All kinds from all over the world."

"What's your favorite fish?"

"Dory from Finding Nemo silly."

"Dory is here?!"

"Yep, but she is actually called a Blue Tang fish."

"Is Nemo here too?"

"Yep and he is called a clown fish. Do you remember what he lives in?"

He struggles for several moments before huffing, "I can't say it Papa, it's too hard." I snicker slightly before sounding it out for him, "A-nem-o-ne. Try it one more time."  He struggles before finally getting the hang of it, "Anemone!" I smile brightly as he gets it, "Great job Sam!"

He giggles like crazy as we step up to the woman at the kiosk; "Hi there ma'am! Hope you are having a wonderful day." I say politely as I pull my wallet out of my pocket. "I'm having a wonderful day sir, now then what could I get for you two handsome gentlemen?" she replies warmly with a smile.

"Two adult tickets and two child's tickets please, and we are doing wonderful today. Aren't we Sam?" I chuckle, pulling a few bills out of my wallet. "Yes Papa! We are gonna see all the fishes!" He squeals happily as I exchange the money for the four tickets.

The kiosk woman laughs, "Really? All of them? There a lot of fish in there!" I smile as I put the change in my wallet; Sam giggles, "Yep! Papa promised to see them all! Right Papa?" 

"That's right Sammy! We are gonna see them all! Thank you ma'am, have a great day." I say with a wave, Sam waving like crazy as I make our way to the entrance. I try my hardest to find my wife and daughter but come up empty; 'Yurrriiiiiii~!!!!!'  I jump slightly as my phone goes off, signaling a text from my wife.

To the left handsome~

I snicker as I lay my eyes on her, making her way towards us with the slightest sway in her delicious hips, "Hi there Mrs. Hatter~." Alice rolls her eyes as I set Sam down, instantly taking his hand, "You guys literally were apart for five minutes." As I wrap my arms around her waist, I bop our daughter's nose playfully, "And it always feels like an eternity. You'll understand one day I promise sweetheart."

She giggles, kissing my cheek, "Hi Mr. Hatter~. And your Papa is right, you will understand when you fall in love. Now then, let's go see some fishes~!" Alice shakes her head but smiles as she leads Sam in front of us, answering all his questions with as much vigor as he is asking. I smile as I take the backpack from you and slip it onto my back, "Well then, I guess we are going to see fishes~." 

We took our time that day, making sure Sam and Alice saw all that the aquarium had to offer and taking lots of pictures. Around noon we decided to have lunch while watching the sharks; Sam sat in my lap as he ate his pb&j and I my tuna fish sandwich. 

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