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Home by Phillip Philips       We had this conversation a while back and it made me feel extraordinarily loved to know you wanted to one day start a family. So my brain got to work and this is what I came up with. I love you beautiful, to the farthest depths of the universe and back a trillion times.  

"Sebastian! Where are you?" You call out from the kitchen, having started dinner and found the house oddly quiet. "I'm coming! We are having wardrobe malfunctions up here!" I shout down the stairs, trying not to give away the surprise our kids had in store. 

You shake your head with a smile, stirring the contents of the pan while humming to yourself. Footsteps loudly make their way into the kitchen as the three of us come down the stairs; "Wait here and I'l let you show her." I chuckle walking into the kitchen and leaning against the island. 

You raise an eyebrow while pointing the spoon at me, "Where are your glasses and what have you been up to?" I snicker, licking the spoon playfully, "Well I think our kids better answer that. Come on, let's show mom what we have been up to for the past thirty minutes."

Our oldest comes in first completely sporting your 3-D Maneuvering gear, straps and all, with my glasses on her nose and light brown hair in a ponytail. "Literally a mini version of you love." I grin, gently lifting her to sit on the island, "Come along Sam." 

Our youngest comes in dressed much similar to his sister, minus the bulky boxes and has a bolo tie, "Hi mom!" You burst into a fit of laughter, a hand over the broad smile you have, "Oh dear lord Sebby! This is too cute!"

Smiling, I lift him to sit next to Alice before sweeping his blonde locks to the side, "Well Corporal, it would seem we have the whole team together." You immediately slip into the role, frown already present, "And what's that supposed to mean Horseface?" I grin, "That Hanji here is about to learn how to kill Titans." 

Without another word, I lift Alice with ease as she pulls out her "blades" and directs were she wants to shoot off to and I walk that direction, instructing her where to place her feet. Laughter reverberated through the house as I carried Alice through the house until she "killed the titan" which just so happened to be our dog, Haru. 

After covering the pot on the stove, you proceeded to take pictures and laugh at our antics, even letting me give you a horse back ride as we hid from the Titan. "How in the world did we get this lucky?" I say quietly, currently hiding behind the island as Hanji and Erwin took on the Titan. 

You giggle and rest your head on my shoulder, "I have no idea but I am not going to even think about questioning it." I smile, kissing the top of your head, "Neither am I, but I would not trade this for anything in  the universe." 

"We killed the Titan!!" Sam shouts from the living room. I laugh, helping you up as the kids come back into the kitchen, "Good job you two! You are excellent scouts!" You kiss my cheek before pushing me to the side gently, "Why don't you get them out of their straps and set the table for dinner?"

Laughing, I easily carry them back into the living room while making sure not to trip on Haru. "Dad why do you and mom dress up like this?" Sam asks as I carefully take off the bulky boxes from Alice's hips. "Well a long time ago, before you two, I met your mom at a convention. Which is like school but so much more fun and you get to dress up. She wore the straps your sister is wearing and I was completely amazed at the sight of her." I reply, setting the boxes down on the coffee table.

Alice laughs a little, taking the jacket off to help me, "Did you ask mom to marry you at a convention?" I smile, "No, I actually proposed to your mom in Paris, France. Right under the Eiffel Tower on Christmas Eve. We just like going to conventions because our friends do and it's a mini vacation for us; this is the first year we are going to take you two with us."

Their faces light up before I"m tackled with huge hugs and shouts of happiness, "That's awesome!" Chuckling, I lift them up and walk back into the kitchen, "Alright ya monkeys, let's set the table like mom asked." They obediently grab plates and silverware from the dishwasher to set the table as I grab glasses from the cabinet. You smirk at me over your shoulder, "I thought we were going to tell them closer to the dates love." 

I come over and set the glasses down before wrapping my arms around your waist, "Well they were asking why we dress up like we do and one thing led to another, and they found out." You roll your eyes but turn to kiss my cheek, "Fair enough I think." The kids were no sitting in their spots at our small table, talking quietly as they waited for us.

"I love you beautiful." I kiss your cheek, before filling everyone's glasses up and setting them on the table in their respective spots. You smile as you bring the pot to the table, "I love you too handsome." 

After dinner was finished, clean up went smoothly and before long it was time for bed for the kids. Sam was yawning up a storm as we walked up the stairs while Alice looked like she was about to fall asleep standing. 

Bed time routine went smooth as always, but the best part was always the bed time story. Over the past few years, I had gotten much better with voice impressions so the kids were always entertained while we read at night. "What did we pick out tonight?" you ask, the kids wedged between us in our bed. I smile, holding up the small book, "I think they are old enough now for Harry Potter. One chapter a night and we can always take turns reading."

After settling under the covers, I begin to read with ease as a hush creeps over the house. About halfway into the chapter, I notice that you and Sam had fallen asleep cuddled up. I look down to see Alice also asleep, curled into my chest completely knocked out. 

I smile, setting the book on the nightstand along with our glasses before turning the lights off. At the end of the day, I knew you three were in the safest place possible. Little nights like this made everything worth it. 


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