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Anchor by Mindy Glendhill

 When all the world is spinning 'round
Like a red balloon way up in the clouds
And my feet will not stay on the ground
You anchor me back down  

Some days are hard for me. Some days are hard for her. Granted I'm not exactly the best person in the world for her, in my opinion, but I would not change anything between us. 

I go through the rough days being quiet, reserved and a little moody or broody. I generally don't want anything to do anything unless it's required of me; so eating, drinking, working and speaking when spoken to. 

She usually will make my day a little brighter even if it's only for a second. All she has to do is say 'I love you' and I know I'll be okay. She is the relief I find on the rough days.

I am nearly world renowned
As a restless soul who always skips town
But I look for you to come around
And anchor me back down

My three biggest fears are losing her, being stuck in this rut, and being stuck in my body for the rest of my life. 

I worry that I might lose her but I don't think I will because I do my best to be the best boyfriend I can be and that's all she asks of me. She asks that I be honest with her. And I always am no matter what the subject may be.

Each and every day is a gift from the Goddess that I am able to call her mine and she call me hers.

There are those who think that I'm strange
They would box me up and tell me to change
But you hold me close and softly say
That you wouldn't have me any other way

I'm used to being called derogatory things and being looked down upon for being who I am. The world is a hateful place for our community and it hurts whenever someone is hateful towards myself or others. 

I've gone through a lot of moments where I was discriminated against because I'm trans, had things thrown at me, and a lot more. It hurts and makes me almost want to go back into the closet.

But she makes the hate worth it; I am beginning to love myself again because she loves me just the way I am. From my dorky behavior to the many ways I tell her I love her, and everything in-between.

When people pin me as a clown
You behave as though I'm wearing a crown
When I'm lost I feel so very found
When you anchor me back down

I may not always be happy and smiles and laughter but I make her happy and smile and laugh. I may act weird some days but I live my life being authentically me.

She is my Queen, Goddess, best friend and my one and only. No matter what I will always treat her like the Goddess she is, even though she is just as dorky and goofy as I am.

I am her Knight in Shinning Armor and will always do my absolute best and hardest to make her happy, feel loved, and protect her always.

There are those who think that I'm strange
They would box me up and tell me to change
But you hold me close and softly say
That you wouldn't have me any other way

Every day with you is an adventure my love. Every day is filled with laughter and smiles. Being with you is like floating through the clouds. 

You are absolutely everything I could have ever asked for in a partner in crime. And every day I fall more in love with you with every passing minute. 

I am eager to spend every day of the rest of my existence loving you and making you the happiest woman in the entire universe.

  When all the world is spinning 'round
Like a red balloon way up in the clouds
And my feet will not stay on the ground
You anchor me back down  

Your Knight in Shinning Armor,


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