In The Name Of Love

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In the Name of Love by Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha

People do crazy things for a lot of reasons. 

Some would say stupid things as well but I find that falling in love is neither crazy nor stupid.

Falling in love is unique to each person.

For some it's easy and often.

For others it's difficult and once in a lifetime.

But only that person knows what falling in love is like for them.

For me it was smiling at my ceiling for absolutely no reason.

Seeing everything again for the very first time in a brighter and sharper image.

Feeling indescribably happy just because.

Feeling the virtual hug or kiss you gave me as I lay in bed at night.

Wanting to spend every second of my day trying to make you laugh ad smile.

Love is scary for me though.

Each person I have ever been with has messed me up in a way.

Left me in my darkest hours because they 'couldn't handle it anymore'.

Told me that I would forever be alone because no one could handle the problems that came with me.

But you stayed.

Even after learning about the every day struggle I go through.

After all the bad days and bad thoughts.

You stayed.

I know that I have fallen in love because of all the little things.

Every day is different and new.

The way you laugh at my horrible puns and jokes.

How you tease me when I get a little flustered.

Giggle when I become a charmer.

And all the rest.

You saved me from myself.

And in the name of love

I will continue to love you unconditionally 

Make you smile every single day

Have you laughing no matter what it takes

And always being there, through the rough days and the easy days.

You and I are bound by the red string of Fate

No matter where we are in the world 

I will always be three steps behind you.


You Knight in Shinning Armor,


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