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Laughing about the day, especially about the time the perky waiter nearly got her ponytail deep-fried, we eventually unlocked the door home. After walking into the living room to say hi to Sue we see she's got company.  Brooke.

"Brooke sweety, what are you doing here?" Lucas says in a forced smile. She smiles back but then quickly turns to me and scowls. "I think we should go somewhere a bit more private," she says clearing emphasising that she didn't want me or Sue to hear. Lucas reluctantly follows her up to his room.

"That girls no good to him" Sue mutters under her breath. I nod but shortly leave for my own room.

I was intrigued to know what she was telling him so desperately, but I wasn't one to spy and eas drop. I reapply my concealer, contour and lipstick and combed my think long hair. Finally, I hear his bedroom door slam, by this time I was scrolling through my notifications on Facebook. Despite my curiosity, I don't go and see what that was all about, but I stay in my room till dinner is called. Gabby facetime me, I binge watch scream and even sort out my clothes into piles but I was still bored as hell.

Eventually, dinner was served, it was tacos, a meal I had never tried. Lucas wasn't at the table, he apparently told Sue he had to meet some of his friends. Maya however was busy belting out random words whilst bashing her podgy hands on her high chair. Mike was at a friends house, so, me, dad and Sue just talked whilst Maya ate her food.

"So how was the gym today Rosa?" Asked Sue. "It was really good actually, I'll be going there a lot now," I say. "Ahhh that's good, I was worried you would be bored out here." Replies my dad. After finishing our tacos I went up to my room and prepared for bed. My jet lag surprisingly hadn't gone yet, so although I wasn't tired, I still needed to get on a schedule.  


I woke up from the sun that leaked through the curtains. It lit up my room with a magical atmosphere. I pressed my phone to see the time read 11 am. Shit, I had slept in, now I couldn't go for a morning run. I had a shower and got changed into some high waisted denim shorts and a white short-sleeved shirt. I grabbed my bag and shoved in my purse phone and sunglasses.

As I walked into the kitchen my dad was attempting to feed the persistent Maya. "Hey dad I'm heading to the pier to explore a little, I should be back after lunch," I say sweetly. He nods "Don't get lost." he says smiling. I'm glad I chose to come here. It was actually turning out okay.

I left the house and strolled down the roads taking in my surroundings. I hoped to see the Hollywood sign today and maybe even visit the star decorated streets of Hollywood itself. But first to find a nice coffee shop for a latte and a pastry.

I managed to find a rustic coffee house called Rob's, 10 minutes away from the house, so I stop off for some caffeine and my breakfast. I sit at a table munching away and scrolling through my Instagram seeing what my friends were up to this summer.

The cafe wasn't very busy so the loud ring of the doors entrance bell surprised me. Tyler walked in and walked over to the counter. Please don't see me I prayed. I hid my face with my hand and looked the other way but it didn't work. "Well if it isn't beach chick girl" I turn to look at him. "Do you seriously have a problem with calling me by my actual name?" I asked, annoyed. "Still got that kick I see" He smugly replied, smirking. I rolled my eyes. Jerk.  Tyler below (or imagine him however you wish!)

He grabbed his ice coffee which was now ready and pulled up a chair to my table

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He grabbed his ice coffee which was now ready and pulled up a chair to my table. "What's your plans today then, Rosa?" I sighed, "Just to explore, alone. " He laughed. "You are unique, I'll give you that" There was silence, he stared at my eyes, sending me shivers down my spine. "Anyway, I better be going," I say, standing up from my chair. "Just let me show you a few of my favourite places, please," He says fluttering his eyelashes and turning his bottom lip down. I sigh. "Fine, but only for a bit. "

Sorry I haven't updated for a while! Oops. Anyway, who do you what Rosa with - Lucas, Chad or Tyler. I know who my favourite is.

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