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I decide not to shower, but instead to head out on a run. I'm training to get a scholarship at a London sports college. I'm an athlete for long-distance running and I have a tight workout regime to follow. I go to my suitcase and grab out a pair of tight Nike shorts and a sports bra and top. I get changed and head downstairs to tell my dad. I peer around the rooms and come across Sue and Maya playing in what seemed to be a playroom. "You looking for your dad? He's in the study, The door leading off the kitchen." "Thanks" I mutter. I walk to where I remembered the kitchen was and opened the door connected.

There was my dad tapping away and his keyboard. He looked up at me. "Ah, Rosa, hi," he says his glasses nearly falling off his nose. "I'm just heading out for a run," I say. "You don't even know the place, won't you get lost?" He asks. "I'll manage dad".He sighs. " Well then, be home for 8 we are all eating as a family" Great, just what I wanted, dinner with 'the family'. Part of me was disappointed he wasn't more concerned for me, I mean I am literally a young, vulnerable girl, leaving to wander a new, huge city. But I guess he can't miss what he never had.

As I wander back down the hall I see a young boy around nine-ish sliding down the bannister. Screaming in joy, he gets off when it reaches the end and stares. At me. "Hi," I say breaking the silence. He carried on looking at me. "Are you Rick's daughter?" he asks tilting his head to the left with a puzzled face. "Um yeah, I'm Rosa" I say. He stares for even longer. "I'm Mike, I'm ten and I love baseball," he says with a wide grin. "Fist bump?" He says placing his arm out in a fist. I fist-bump him back and he smiles. Before I can say anything else he runs out the door to the garden I assumed. Well, that was weird. 

I grabbed my phone and earphones and also headed outside. My dad lives in Santa Monica and I saw the beach as we drove here so I decide to run down there, hopefully not getting lost. It's not really hot today, which was a shame, I assumed it was always hot in LA. At the end of my street, I began to run, my Nike shoes bouncing on the tarmac. After a few roads down I had to take my top off, it was licra and had long sleeves and I was already sweating, my hair stuck to my head. I swing it over so I'm just in my sports bra and tie it around my waist. I weave my way through streets until I can see the sea and the golden sand shimmering in the sun.

I decide to check out the pier, I slow down my pace and do a light jog as I look around, a huge Ferris wheel turns and the smell of the salty sea and candyfloss mixes in my nose. Tourists are taking pictures of the sun setting and seagulls are trying to steal chips and dropped ice creams of the decking. I took a break leaning my arms  on the banister of the wooden railings. I stare out at the sea, it's mesmerising. Suddenly I hear a loud wolf whistle. I turn around to see a group of boys, a bit older than me. I pull down my earphones, they stare at me, laughing. Feeling brave, I toss them my middle finger and smirk, "Such a nice view, right?" I say. "Oh yes, a veryyy nice one" replies one of the three boys winking at me, one other laughs but the other, a boy with eyes so blue I could see them from where I was, nudges the cocky boy to stop.

I stayed there, still stunned at the events that had just occurred, until I look down at my phone. It read 7:39. I started to run, to get ready for this dinner I was so dreading. I traced my steps back from memory, hoping I hadn't made a wrong turn. The sea breeze started to chill me so I put my top back on and carried on running.

I eventually got 'home'. The smell of spaghetti bolognese hit my nose as Sue cooked away at the hob. I went to my room and had a quick shower, tying my hair into a loose topknot. I got changed into my mom jeans and an oversized tee and applied a thin layer of makeup. When I came downstairs, the table was laid and everyone sat around deep in chat about Mike's baseball game coming up. (well except for Maya who was in bed) "oh there you are Rosa, come sit here," my dad says pointing to a seat at the end of the table on the corner to him. As I took my seat I realise a place was laid out next to me, but no one was sat there. Then I remembered there was meant to be two sons.

Almost reading my mind, Sue suddenly begins speaking. "Lucas hasn't turned up, he knows we're eating today, he never listens to us, always just parties."                                                                       "He's a teenage boy, let him live a little," says my dad before tucking in. I still sat there awkwardly,twiddling my spaghetti around my fork. Mike had his all around his face and finished in a matter of minutes. My dad and Sue chatted about work and I still sat there. Luckily it was over pretty quickly, I helped clear up then headed to bed.

I woke up with a start. I heard the front door open. Burglars?  Who was coming home this late. I clicked on my phone it read 3 AM. Ugh, I was jet-lagged and ached everywhere. Nevertheless I tiptoed downstairs to see this mysterious person. I saw the figure sitting at the bottom of the stairs, I turned on the light and he turned around at me. His blue crystal eyes glaring, the same blue crystal eyes as earlier. 

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