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I decided to just ignore him and go into my room and watch Netflix or even facetime Gabby. After catching up on a few episodes of The Vampire Diaries, I get called down for dinner. Maya was sitting in her highchair waving her fork in the air and giggling, Mike was playing on his DS whilst moaning if the dinners ready yet and of course Lucas's seat was empty. I help Sue out and lay the table and serve Mike and Maya their dinner. Again the dinner was basic, my dad discussed a new case he was working on and Sue just made chit chat about how my life was like in London.

I go back up to my room for the night and get comfy in my bed, I decide to watch some YouTube. I must have fallen asleep as I woke up with my clothes on and Joe Sugg playing in the background. I touch my phone, it read 12 AM. The nap had made me groggy so I got changed into my pyjama shorts with cats on and a black tank top. As I opened my bedroom door the house was black and silent. I crept down the stairs, stepping on the odd creaky floorboard and went to get a glass of water. On my way back upstairs as I passed the living room a loud ring sounded. "Fuck" I mutter as the noise had surprised me and I now had water all over my top. I pick up the phone confused at who would call this late/early.

"Hello?" I say quietly.
"Oh thank god it's you" It was Lucas, no surprise he was out this late.
"I need you to drive over here and pick me up my lift bailed on me' he carried on.
"I'm 16, I can't drive, well not in the UK anyway, in case you have forgotten"
I said annoyed he wanted me to help after today. "Well, mom can't know I'm hammered and am out this late, call a cab or something," He says with an irritated yet slurred tone. "You want me to spend my money on getting YOU of all people home safe and sound so you don't get in trouble from you mommy, well I'm sorry but I'd much rather go to sleep." He sighed "there is 80 dollars strapped under my bed, get it then call a taxi, get in and make them drive to sycamore alley, please Rosa." he says. "Sure" I huff and then hang up.

I manage to sneak back upstairs and I open his bedroom door. Shit, it was a mess. Boxers and socks all over the floor, bed not made. He had posters of basketball players on his walls that were faded from the sun after probably being there for years and oak furniture. His room also smelt of him, like the sea and aftershave. Not that I smelt him or anything. I bend down under the bed and felt with my hand a plastic folder sellotaped to the top. I grabbed it and went to my room to get my phone, bag and shoes. My pyjamas would have to do.

I called a cab and luckily they were only 5 mins away. Who even calls a taxi at this time. I tell them where to go and they make their way there, not asking any questions. God, I was dreading this.

Short chapter sorry :-( hope you enjoyed it! Pleaseeee comment and vote❤

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