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The clock ticked past as my muscles ached, rowing around and around on the rowing boat. Lucas was across the gym room from me, still on the weights. We would briefly make eye contact and would smile and then would get back to our workout. I could tell he took sport seriously, much like me.

Fifteen minutes into my leg presses, a man approaches me, probably around 19. "Is anyone here?" He asks pointing to the leg presser next to me, I realise my water and towel is laying on it. "Oh sorry, go ahead" I mutter in embarrassment taking of my things and placing them beside me. "I'm Chad, and you are?" He says sitting down. "Rosa," I say smiling at him, still pedalling.

 He starts too, and we get back to working out. At one point I turned to him and noticed his eyes were level with my chest. For once I didn't care, I was only here for 7 weeks and it's not like a boy would ever look at me in that way again, so I didn't stop him.  He smirked back, he was good looking, blonde. jelled hair with a toned, tanned frame. We carried on with our workout still in a trance of smiles and looks, that I almost forgot who I was with until he came over. "Rosa come on we are leaving," He says gesturing to him and the door. I didn't argue and left with him. He pointed me towards the girl's showers and I went to wash and get changed. I had brought some black skinny jeans, a ribbed white crop top and my favourite pair of sneakers.

I met Lucas in the foyer, he didn't say a word to me but we left and headed back to the car. "Why did we have to leave so soon?" I ask. He sighed, he seems to always sigh. "He was looking at you" he replied, his head was down, staring at his feet. "And..he wasn't doing any harm." "Rosa, I know these types of boys, going from one girl to another, it's not right." "Because you've never looked at a girl like that before have you!" I shouted sarcastically. He looked hurt. By this time we were at the car. "Lets just get some lunch"  he mutters.

He pulls up to a diner along the highway, I can still tell he's mad at me but I'm just annoyed at him. He doesn't have the right to boss me around like that. Why does he even care who eyes me up?!

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