Chapter Four

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        "Honey, we need to talk."

        I heard my mom say as I closed the door.  I walked into the kitchen.  My mom started explaining.

        "We might lose the house. Your father and I just can't keep up with the bills anymore."

        "I'll get a job to help you guys," I said.

        "That's a great idea. Do you have any places in mind?"

        "Yeah, I saw this one restaurant a few days ago called, The Edge. They're hiring because it's a new restaurant. I'll go by there tomorrow and ask for an application."

        "Thank you, sweetie."

        She kissed my forehead and smiled, walking away. I walked up to my bedroom and sat on my bed. Then turned on my music, hearing, "Second and Sebring" by Of Mice and Men come on. I laid down and soon dozed off.

        I met up with Alexandria and we went to first period. Same as every day, all my classes felt like we were in there for five minutes. We were already at lunch.

        "Did you guys hear about that one lady that got killed on Via Viejo?” asked Riley.

        "Yeah, I heard that she was stabbed and choked. They said it was a pretty ugly sight." Danny replied.

        "Oh, I heard about that." I said while panicking on the inside, staying relatively calm on the outside. I started to think, do they think it's me? Are they going to find out?

        "I wonder who they think did it..." Erik wondered.

        "Well, they said they don't have any suspects right now," Jake commented.

        "That's really weird. What kind of person would have the audacity to go out and kill some woman in her sleep? That really scares me. I do not want to be their next victim..."  Brooke said.

        Everyone kept talking about it but I didn't pay attention. I started to worry. Are they going to suspect me? Were there any witnesses? I was suddenly jolted out of my thoughts as the bell rang.

        I rushed out of the cafeteria. I could feel my friends' stares scarring into my back. 

        What have I done...?

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