Chapter Sixteen

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        The dress was quite beautiful but I would not acknowledge that in a time like this. I stared at the red of the dress.

        Did he pick this color to taunt me?

        “He never stops! I don’t understand what his motive is. Does he want me to kill? Is that his plan?”

        I got up off the ground and and walked around the perimeter of the small room. What else could I do?

        At that moment, the man walked in.

        “I didn’t realize he would be losing your mind so quickly,” he laughed at his own joke.

        I merely sneered at him.

        “Okay, lovely, it’s time for us to go.”

        I noticed his tux and felt repulsed.

        Do I really have to do this?

        He smiled and put his hand on my arm.

        “Now, remember what I said about running. I can easily go to the police and tell them all the sins you have made. But I know you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in prison, so let’s go to the magnificent ball, shall we?”

        I walked out of the room only to be greeted with a long hallway.

        “Where are we?”

        “Why do you ask so many questions? We’ll be outside in a moment’s notice.” He led me to the end of the hall and opened the door that showed the outside world.

        What is this building?

        I snuck a look behind us as he shut and locked the door.

        There’s nothing but this building in a field of nothing... Who has a random building in the middle of nowhere?! Who is this man?

        He grabbed my arm again and led me down a pathway that curved into an opening to the woods. The woods looked dark and sinister.

        “Where are we going? Tell me where we are!” I yelled.

        “I told you not to ask so many questions. This is the way to my car. I thought you’d like a little detour.”

        “No, I just want to get this over with.”

        He scrunched his face up, pretending to be sad. 

        “And here I thought you were excited to go to the ball with me!”

        He pulled me along the edge of the woods and over a hill. I saw the beginnings of a road and finally saw his sleek blue BMW M5 Sedan. I had to admit, I loved this car, even though I hated the man who owned it.

        Before he could make me get into the gorgeous automobile, I looked down the hill and saw the city lights below.

        I haven’t seen anything but darkness for, what? A few days, a week? I’m not even sure how long I’ve been here. The city looks so pretty... I wish I could stand here and stare at it forever.

        I continued to stare when he pushed me toward the passenger side. He opened the door and gently placed me into the seat.

        “Make sure you don’t wrinkle the dress, okay?”

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