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Ashikawa walked through the streets of Nomoki with his hood covering his face.
He was the strongest sorcerer in all of the 30 galaxies, the best weapon wielder, the best strategist, and the most seductive, irresistible, reliable, amazing boy ever.
Everyone knew him, everyone wanted him.
Which was why he had a hood covering his appearance, so he could get to his destination without having to deal with nuisances.
Along the way he saw a sweet stand and walked up to it, picking out some Pocky and some Dango before handing the shop keeper 3 gold stones and walking off.
He didn't get far before he walked into a gang leader called Lio by accident.
"Hey! Watch where the hell your going punk!"
He shouted and shoved Ashikawa back.
The blonde replied sarcastically and Lio and his possy growled,
"Don't think your getting away do easily after that!"
They surrounded him and people watched from the sidelines.
"First let's see what's behind your hood."
Lio laughed and Ashikawa swore, but couldn't do anything as every option ended with everyone knowing who he was.
His hand reached out and pulled Ashikawas hood off to show him glaring at him.
Lios eyes widened in shock and fear and they backed away.
"A-Ashikawa-san!? We're sorry for any trouble, please punish us as you see fit."
Ashikawa sighed and continued walking where he needed to get to though this time with the unnecessary attention surrounding him.
Finally he reached the portal summoning temple and walked inside.
He could summon his own portal whenever and wherever he wanted, if it wasn't illegal that was.
Walking into the room he saw many people trying (and badly failing) to make portals.
Sighing he focused magic into his hand and drew a symbol for the dimension he wanted to travel to.
The male was the only one who could dimension travel, as he had found out many years ago.
The reason he was travelling to a different dimension was because he was going to his home one to see his brothers after 7 years.
And hopefully not a sacrificial bride.
The portal appeared and he stepped through with it closing behind him and he landed in the living room with all his brothers and a girl staring at him.
The girl screamed whilst his brothers eyes widened and they fought to be the first one to hug him.
Liato teleported behind him and wrapped his arms around the males neck. The other brothers teleported as well and all ended up hugging him with Yui glaring jealously.
"Finally you're back."
Ayato mumbled and the others hummed in agreement.
Ashikawa smiled and stated,
"I guess you'll be glad to know that I'm staying then. The only times I won't be around you is when I have to do business, but I might be able to pull some strings so you can see the 30 galaxies, or the Nero Reunion."
The brothers grips tightened on him and they wouldn't let go until Ashikawa used a spell to make him walkthrough.
The brothers backed away before they could fall on each other and Ashikawa stopped the spell.
"Who is he?"
Yui asked with slight disgust in her voice and the brothers glared at her.
"This is Shuūs older twin, Ashikawa. I suggest you treat him with respect."
Reiji growled and repositioned his glasses.
"Don't worry about it, it's nice to meet one if my brothers future wife."
Ashikawa laughed yet Yui continued looking at him in disgust.
Later that night Ashikawa walked downstairs with a school uniform on like his other brothers along with his cloak. He got into the limo with them and they were just waiting on Yui.
"You know, you don't have to pretend to like her. She is only a human after all. She's inferior to us, so that's how she should be treated so she doesn't think she can do what she wants."
Reiji told him and he sighed,
"While I may not like her, I can't really help it. Seven years of having to put on an act makes you always act like that. In the end though that plan backfired as everyone fell for me and I was constantly pressured to pick someone. Eventhough, all I need are you lot."
The brothers blushed at his suggestive statement.
Yui finally got in and the limo started up with Reiji passing Yui a cranberry juice box like usual. Once at the school, Ashikawa walked out with Shuū and people stared at him, making the brothers growl.

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