Dramatical murders

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They were supposed to have died in the explosion.
That was their first thought.
Instead they were once again 5 years old and leaning against a wall somewhere they had no information about.
"Damn, we survived?"
Trip groaned.
"Looks like it."
Virus mumbled back.
From the shadows came their allmates Welter and Hersha who also were in their younger forms.
"Whoa, same thing happened to you guys too?"
Hersha asked.
"Yeah, guess we all got lucky."
Trip responded.
"I dont see any other allmates or Rhyme battles so I think it's best you guys don't speak too loud."
Virus stated as they scanned the area.
Hersha slithered up his arm and curled around his neck as Welter jumped onto Trips shoulder.
The streets were busy with people but it didn't look like anything they were used to.
Trip pulled out his phone and opened up the holographic mode to see that it all was in working order.
"Geez, why did we have to become 5 year olds? It looks like we're gonna have to find ourselves an orphanage."
Virus complained.
"At least you still have your overly advanced minds."
Welter reminded them as they started walking around.
After a while Trip sighed and went up to a group of teenagers who looked like they were part of a gang.
"Hey, mind telling me where the nearest orphanage is?"
"Get out of here kid, you don't want to mess with us."
An overly confident male snickered.
Trip sighed and asked again,
"Do you mind telling me where the nearest orphanage is."
The group surrounded him and the same male asked,
"You wanna get beat up kid?"
"Oh no, I'm so scared."
He replied sarcastically.
Virus came over and stood next to him and they nodded.
Trip pressed Rhyme on his watch and then he pressed 'defense'.
Virus did the same and their allmates grew to full size.
"Attack mode 35, B6E84. Move, Savannah Illusion."
Trip ordered.
"Defense mode 23, B6E84. Move, Anaconda Armour."
Virus ordered.
A pack of lions formed on Trips order and black plated armour appeared on the two at Viruses.
"W-what the hell is this?!"
A girl in the gang yelped.
"Now, would you mind telling us where the nearest orphanage is?"
Trip stated threateningly.
"Down the street and to the left!"
Someone in the gang yelped.
The two smiled and pressed cancel on their watches.
"Rhyme Mode Deactivated."
An AI voice stated and everything disappeared, their allmates becoming small again.
The gang ran away and the four snickered.
"Wow, the people here are going to be easy to manipulate and we also have scrap."
Virus stated as they followed the directions.
"Ok, so this is it?"
Trip looked on in slight disbelief.
The place was a dump and didn't have a great auror surrounding it.
"Well it's better than nothing."
Welter said in reply and Virus knocked on the door.
A slutty looking 16 year old girl opened the door,
"What do you brats want?"
"Well I want to go to space, but we don't always get what we want. So, we want to stay in this orphanage."
The girl laughed and allowed them in.
"Sure, go ahead and to the left, that's the matrons office."
They followed her directions and knocked on the door.
"Come in!"
Virus opened the door and they walked inside to see a man and a woman sitting inside.
"Who are you two?"
"I'm Virus,"
"And I'm Trip."
"We'd like to stay here if you don't mind."
The woman smiled at them while the male had a look of indifference.
"Of course. Here's the key to your room. This man here will test your intelligence and reflex's tommorow, so make sure you get lots of sleep. Dinner will be in about an hour where I'll introduce you to the others. I'm Mrs Brown, just so you know."
"And I'm Mr Kumar. Don't forget it."
The man stated gruffly.
Trip and Virus smiled at the man though he could see bloodlust in their eyes.
"Thanks, Mrs Brown. We'll pay you back somehow."
They said in unison before taking the key and going to their room, which was actually quite nice.
"The man thinks we're just some stupid kids, so let's show him tommorow that our intelligence is higher than he could ever hope his will be."
Virus snickered before the two summoned a book each on this worlds technology and started reading up on it.
"Dude, they don't even have nerve gear. This world is really unadvanced."
Trip complained.
They heard and walked downstairs with their allmates in their arms.
"Everyone, this is Trip and Virus, they'll be living here with you from now on."
They sat down at the table and ate their portion of food with no complaints before going back up to their room snd locking the door.
"So awkward."
The four said in unison before laughing.
Trip took out his phone and turned it into its computer mode before connecting Welter to it snd implementing some new code.
He did the same to Hersha and then explained what he had done,
"You should be able to turn into forms that suit this worlds animals and you'll have no trouble hacking into any of this place interweb streams. It looks like it's going be to easy getting back into our line of work."
A few hours later they went to sleep and woke up to Mrs Brown shouting,
When they had finished eating, Mr Kumar came in and lead them to a side room where there were two tests on a desk and then loads of puzzles and mind games spread around the room.
"I'll be back in two hours."
He siad gruffly and locked the door behind him.
"So thats how he wanted to play."
Virus mumbled.
"42 cameras."
Trip snickered.
"Ok then, let's have some fun."
They split what there was in half and went to their own sides of the room with their allmates.
They did the tests and put them back on the desk before doing all the puzzles.
Then they put all the complete puzzles together to create one big puzzle before doing all the mind games, putting together the riddle and finding out the answer.
"The way out of this room is by a key and under the mat."
They took the key and opened the door before walking out.
It hadnt even been half an hour.
"Wow, that was really easy."
Virus stated in slight disbelief.
"Hey, I got that guys phone when he was walking out, you wanna take it apart?"
Trip asked with an evil glint in his eyes.
"Hell yeah."
They walked into the living room and started taking the phone apart, starting with the data.
Mr Kumar walked past and double backed apon seeing the two.
He checked his pockets and realised his phone was gone and then checked the room to see everything was complete.
He took out his work phone and called L.
"We've found two that can help you out on this case."
"Bring them over now."

While in the car he explained to the two what the case was about and found their answer disturbing.
"So we get to mess with people's emotions?"
"And set up people for experiments."
They grinned at each other and Mr Kumar looked at them warily.
"Ok, we're here."
They followed the man inside and up to the biggest door.
He knocked on it before walking inside with the two close behind.
"Where are the two you said you were bringing?"
A boy who looked alot like a panda asked.
"Hey, are we invisible or something? Damn I hate being small."
The people in the room finally noticed them and a boy with brown eyes and a Shinigami behind him shouted on disbelief,
"You brought two 5 year olds with you?"
"Yo. Im Virus."
"Im Trip."
"What's your last names?"
L asked, testing the two.
They said bluntly, finding the loop hole quickly.
They then walked closer to Light and their allmates eyes flashed red.
As Light started to sweat they rolled their eyes and walked away.
'Hes Kira.'
Was all 4s thoughts.
"What do you already have on the case."
"That this person can kill without being there and apparently only needs a name and face to kill."
Mr Yagami stated.
"That's it? Damn, you guys are slow. What are the cause of death?"
"Heart attacks."
Trip took a seat at one of the computers and started to hack into all the prisons across the world.
Hundreds of windows opened with the cameras and prisoners profiles on.
The others in the background said as they watched the two work.
'They could be powerful allies. All I need is to manipulate them into helping me and telling me their real names.'
"Okay, so this guy started killing on May 3rd this year, can kill in anyway he wants, has a god complex and is working with the second Kira."
"How do you know its a male?"
L asked.
"Virus just tracked the voice changer he uses and this is what it sounds like whatever way you put it."
It sounded very close to Lights voice but the others didnt notice this.
The two smirked at Light when no one else was looking and dragged him out the room.
"We know your Kira, we can see the shinigami. We'll be your allies on one condition. You kill a few people for us and give us pages of the Death Note whenever we ask for them."

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