Ohshc airashī

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"Airashī! Come on, you start school today!"
Haruhi shouted in excitement and the boy suddenly appeared sitting cross-legged next to her.
She yelped in surprise as he yawned.
"With how much you do that, I don't know how I'm not used to it."
He looked at her with bored eyes as his clothes changed into a cat jumper and black trousers with boots.
He yawned again and finally stood up, showing he was just taller than her.
"Here's your lunch and school bag, I've put two boxes of Pocky in the front pocket for you."
Airashī nodded and took a box out, putting one in his mouth.
"Try not to run out before the end of school."
She sweatdropped as they started walking.
Most people stopped and took pictures of him as they walked, Airashī being extremely famous.
He was a world known model and appeared on loads of shows, as well as owning the industry called Azamuku incorporated, which he had built from scratch by himself.
And on the side he wrote stories that sold millions in just a week each time a new one came out.
Actually that wasn't the only thing he did on the side.
He made historical break throughs in things scientists couldn't hope to achieve.
He donates almost 3/4s of his money to the charity trusts he had set up.
And he acted in most of the best selling movies there was.
He also graduated from university when he was 7 and kept getting diplomas in loads of things until he turned 12, in which he couldn't be bothered to do so anymore.
He was currently 13 and his acting and modeling manager had told him that he had to go to school and socialise.
She ment go to a middle school but he took the test to get into Ouran Highschool and got full marks on the test.
He walked slightly behind Haruhi with, for some reason, a strawberry lollipop in his mouth, the Pocky in his pocket.
Haruhi was going off about how amazing the school was and how everyone there was amazing while Airashī was listening to music and the headphones he had created when he was 9, improving them to the max. One of his companies produced headphones like his but obviously not as good.
They finally reached the school where Haruhi dragged the boy against his will to 1-A.
In the room were only three people, two boys looked like twins and his new sensei, Mr Lee.
"Good Morning Mr Lee!"
Haruhi said, it was obvious she was in a good mood.
Airashī stayed apathetic but waved to the man from where he stood.
"Good morning Haruhi-san, and I'm guessing you must be Airashī."
Mr Lee greeted good naturely and Airashī only nodded.
"So what schooler ship did you come on?"
He asked.
"I got full marks on the entrance exam do they just accepted me."
Still apathetic.
Haruhi sighed as she muttered,
"I sometimes wonder if you have any feelings."
By the time she had funished her sentence though, Airashī was over by the twins and was poking Kaoru in the cheek.
"Your more feminine than your twin, so I'm guessing your the youngest."
Kaoru didn't answer but his face was burning red, seeing that Airashī was so adorable.
Hikaru was no different from his twin and both looked at each other with the same look they had given each other when Haruhi started.
Airashī took the seat in the left corner at the back after calculating that's where he'd be the least noticed, not knowing thats where the schools bully sat.
When Haruhi said nothing, the twins looked at her in surprise, wondering why she hadn't told her friend that he shouldn't sit there.
Neither had realised who he was.
The rest of the class finally filed in and the bully stormed up to him as everyone fell silent to watch.
"Hey new kid, what do you think your doing in my seat?!"
He shouted angrily.
Airashī looked at him boredly with the comeback,
"I don't see your name on it."
The bully fumed and threw his fist to punch him.
Everyone winced when they heard a crack only to see that the new kid had completely crushed the bullys hand.
He was still sucking on his lollipop.
The bully growled and went to punch him again when he pressed a button on his headphones and let out a mechanical bug which hit the boys pressure point in the back of his neck.
He fell to the floor before his fist touched Airashī and the bug flew back into his headphones.
Everyone had wide eyes and even Haruhi was slightly surprised.
Mr Lee came back in to see everyone staring at Airashī and then the bully who had gotten up and sat somewhere else.
"Well then, Will you come up here and introduce yourself please Airashī."
Airashī walked up to the front and took off his hood, causing people to gasp.
"I'm Airashī Azamuku, 13, and forced to socialise with you by my manager.
Then he went and sat back down and continued with his day.

Sorry that it is a bit short but I wanted to get the first story out


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