Aoba Seragaki

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Hi, I'm Aoba Seragaki.
And I'm gonna start off by saying, everything you think you know about me is either wrong or half true.
For one, I am not an Uke.
Every time you think I bottomed in a relationship, it's wrong.
Like, come on.
If you actually think about it, do you think someone who can control others with no limitations would be submissive?
Everyone is attracted to me, from my voice and looks.
It doesn't matter who you are, or how dominant you think you are, everyone becomes the submissive one around me.
Two, yeah my hair has nerves in but it doesn't hurt when someone touches it.
If anything its useful having nerves in my hair because I can actually control it as if it was a limb.
Trip and Virus didn't wipe my memories and I didn't loose them.
I stopped playing Rhyme because I got bored of it.
Seriously, nobody put up a challenge.
And Noiz, well he's learned how to do the puppy dog eyes, probably from me, and although not as powerful as mine, he can get me to play against or with him.
Noiz can actually feel emotions, how strange.
Trip and Virus didn't betray us and actually helped us to blow up the tower.
Koujaku is really good with his katanna and I'm the only one who can beat him.
Which is surprising because he can't do a poker face so he's easy to read.
Clear does call me Master but then again, so does everyone in the bedroom.
Ok, ok, I'll stop.
For now at least.
Ren got his own body but likes to be in his dog form most of the time.
Now then, onto the strange part.
In the explosion something happened that made these guys get sucked into my mind but still allowed them to come out in a physical form when I said.
I can also change how old I look, along with the others, and found that I also gained psychic powers.
You know, telekinesis, pyrokenesis, teleportation, that cool shit.
Im- sorry, We're also immortal and today I'm starting Hogwarts.
Im starting in year 4, so I'll be going as a 15 year old.
Rens going in his dog form and the others are staying in my mind unless it's safe to come out.

I walked onto the train with Ren in my arms, trying to find a compartment with as little people as possible.
I knocked on the last one, seeing only three people inside, and opened it, asking,
"Hey, all the other compartments are full, can I sit with you guys?"
They nodded and I smiled at them as I sat down,
"Thanks, I'm Aoba by the way. I'm starting in my fourth year, transferring from Tokyo."
The only girl introduced herself first,
"I'm Hermione Granger, it's nice to meet you. Your voice is amazing, by the way."
I gave her a closed eye smile as I replied,
"Thanks for the compliment."
The red haired boy introduced himself next,
"I'm Ron Weasley. Do you like Quidditch?"
"I like to play it sometimes but I mostly play a game called Rhyme, I've been crowned the reigning champion."
They looked at me confused and asked,
"What's Rhyme?"
I pulled up the video on my watch and put it into holographic mode for them to see.
It showed one of mine and Noiz battles as the three looked at it in amazement.
"I'll have to get you guys playing it at some point. I have my own personal Rhyme Battlefield so we won't have to sign up."
Then the other boy introduced himself,
"I'm Harry Potter, it's a refreshing change of pace to have someone not know who i am."
I gave him a piece sign as Ren introduced himself, surprising the three,
"I'm Ren, Aobas care and health personalised pet created for and by him."
"Whoa, is he some kind of magical pet?"
Ron asked with a look if excitement in his eyes.
"Actually, there's nothing magic about Ren. Just 6 days worth of coding and alot if engineering."
"You mean to say you created a Robot that has its own will?!"
Hermione exclaimed and I smiled sheepishly at her.
"Yeah, I guess so."
"You guess so?"
Ren asked sarcastically and I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Your in no position to talk like that. The first thing you said to me was 'Are you my mommy?'"
That's actually true, but only because of a bug in his body at the time.
'Dude, he seriously said that?'
Virus asked as they laughed.
Whilst I was spaced out, Hermione was reaching closer to my hair until I backed away.
"Hands off the hair."
I warned and she moved back into her place.
The rest of the train ride was peaceful as we all became better friends.
I did find out, from reading their minds they had gained crushes on me and the guys were grumbling in my head about how I was their's.

Aoba walked off the train next to the three and split up from them to go to the docks with the first years where they went across the river on a rickety old boat, Aoba putting a water proof shield around Ren.
They were about halfway across when a first year boy fell in.
Aoba took of his jacket and left it with Ren before diving into the freezing cold lake and swimming to the blonde child who was drowning.
He grabbed him and swam to the surface, breaking through the water and holding the child up.
The boats had left them though the others were shouting about what was happening.
"You alright kid?"
The boy nodded but was shivering violently.
He sighed and used pyrokenesis to keep him warm.
The downside of the ability was that he could only use it on one person at a time, so he would have to go cold.
The boy stopped shivering and held onto Aobas neck as he did front stroke through the river.
20 minutes later he reached the shore where he crawled out and promptly collapsed as the kid he saved stood up.
"Hey mister, are you alright?"
The boy asked as Hagrid came over to them.
Ten came running over holding his jacket as Aoba looked at his temperature on his watch, along with his health status.
'Temperature: -8 degrees.
Heart beat: 30 every minute.
Rate of collapsing: 75%.'
He turned off his watch before pulling himself off the ground.
"I'll be fine, what's your name kid?"
The boy looked at him shyly as he answered,
"S-shuū, what's yours?"
Aoba smiled at him as he put his jacket on and answered,
"I'm Aoba, Aoba Seragaki."
Seeing the boys clothes were still wet he waved his hand and they dried, though he couldn't dry his own.
Ren hopped onto his shoulder as he said,
"Aoba, at this rate your gonna collapse. Either from exhaustion or your temperature."
Hagrid looked at him in concern but he just smiled at him.
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
Professor McGonagall finally opened the doors and Hagrid went in ahead of them.
She did a speech about all the rules but Aoba didn't really hear, focusing on not passing out.
'You really should get some help.'
Noiz said but Aoba disagreed and they walked inside.
On the outside the only clue you could get that he was about to collapse was that his eyes were half lidded and unfocused.
They walked into the great hall and all the first years were sorted before Dumbledore stood up.
"This year we're happy to accept a transfer student from Tokyo Universal Magic school who will be joining us for his fourth year! Aoba Seragaki!"
He walked up to the stool and sat down on it as the hat was placed on his head.
It felt strange to his hair but he ignored the feeling as the hat started speaking.
'Hm, there's more to you then i thought.'
'Hey, don't get at us, we didn't choose to be put here.'
Noiz said in annoyance.
'Right then, selfless, extremely brave, and strong.
Intelligent, sly, and in control of your feelings.
Kind, happy, easy to get along with.
Hm, well it seems there's only one choice,'
Aoba took off the hat and walked to the cheering table where he sat down next to Ron.
"Hey bro, why are you soaking wet?"
He asked and Shuū pointed at him as he told his friends what had happened.
"I fell in the lake and that guy dived in and pulled me to the surface. He asked if I was ok and when I started shivering, he did something that made ne feel warm. Then he swam all the way to the shore!"
Ren jumped onto the table as he stated,
"You're heart rate changed again."
Aoba pulled it up on his watch to see it had slowed down to 22 a minute.
"I'll be fine."
Aoba claimed and they started to eat.
When Hermione got a look at his eyes she saw they were completely unfocused and he was deathly pale.
"Aoba, are you sure your alright, you don't look to good."
She asked in concern, only for Aoba to give her a closed eye smile,
"I'm fine, don't worry about me."
He was fine.
His body was currently in the process of healing him ans that's why his heart rate was slowing so much.
For his body to heal, he had to go into an almost inhuman state where he looked like he was going to pass out, but he'd be fine.
After dinner they went to the Gryffindor Common room and Aoba found he got his own room, being in control of the magical community.
Once inside he locked the door and everyone came out with Ren turning into his human form.
Aoba collapsed onto his bed as he levitated the healing potion over to him and drank it, his body going back to normal.
"This place sucks already."
He groaned as he turned back into his 23 year old form and the other males sat around him.
"Yeah, but it's the one place we can get away from the countries,"

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