Tsumetai Chisei

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Hi, my name is Tsumetai Chisei.
My name means Cold Intelligence.
I'm what you call a psychic.
I also have Shapeshifter and Royal blood in me.
Yeah, I'm the queen of supernaturals.
I'm also occasionally the king.
But if you ignored that, I could almost be considered a normal teenage highschooler.
But that is unfortunately not the case.
I am constantly fawned over, watched and given stuff.
By girls, boys, my seniors, first years, teachers, school committee board, and visitors.
I play in all sports teams, computer clubs and science clubs.
I took all my school teams to nationals and won every single one.
Probably not a good idea for staying inconspicuous but it's too late now.

Chisei walked into school with her school bag on her back and a small smile on her face.
Instantly she was swarmed by girls and boys who wanted to help her.
"Oh, I didn't bring to much with me today so I'm fine."
Chisei lied with a smile and the crowd parted to allow her to get to her class.
She walked in and took her seat, listening to music instead of the teacher.

Karasuma walked through the halls of the school, using the map to hopefully lead him to class 2-A.
There was a student there he had been told to collect and bring with him, using force if necessary.
Finally he found the classroom and knocked on the door.
"I'm here to collect a Tsumetai Chisei? The reason has been classified by the government."
A girl who had covered her face with her green hoody stood up and put her bag on her back.
As she was walking out, she flicked a tracking device over to her best friend, Chijoku, who was a neko and practically her twin.
They did almost everything together.
They're clothes were even the same.
Chijoku grabbed it between two fingers and turned on his ear piece, putting the device in his phone as he watched what would happen.

Karasuma walked slightly in front of the Chisei who had taken off her hoody on his request and wondered why they had said use force if necessary.
She had no muscles, looked and acted like an innocent little girl, and was listening to music.
They walked outside and down the streets until they came to an empty road the government had set up.
Karasuma stopped and turned around to face the girl.
She looked up at him and asked cooly,
"Is there a problem, Mr Government Official?"
His eyes slightly widened in surprise before he made his move to grab her.
She did nothing and allowed him to knock her out with no struggle.

Chijoku glared at what he saw and put his hand up.
"Miss, can I go to the toilet please?"
The teacher nodded and he picked up his stuff and walked out, tracking where Chisei was being taken.
He opened the door to class 2-B and dragged out Hakura, the third of the best friends.
She was a Shifter Mage, her element being wind and her animal being a wind phoenix.
The two walked out of the school and into an alley where Chijokus ears and tail grew out and Hakura turned into her phoenix.
She flew just above him as he jumped across the roof tops and soon they came to where Chisei was being held.
Now they just had to wait for her signal.
Hakura turned human again and summoned her staff while Chijoku grew out his claws.

Chisei woke up tied and gagged to a chair with her headphones around her neck.
Infront of her stood Karasuma and two other males.
One of them held up her ear piece with a smirk,
"You can't get out of this one now, can you?"
She rolled her eyes and grew out her fangs, biting threw the gag and spat it out.
"Yeah, because the device we use for cheating is the only thing I had on me. We're not dumb you know.
When I was being lead by the guy in the middle, they rigged this place with 67 bombs.
This place goes bye bye the second I set them off."
She laughed.
"You do that and you die with us."
Karasuma threatened.
She tilted her head and gave them a closed eye smile,
"One wrong move."
She stated in response.
"Now talk. Why did you kidnap me?"
"To be frank. To get you to transfer to Nisekoi Academy and kill a creature calling himself Korosensei. He blew up half the moon two months ago. That or you die."
Chiseis ropes suddenly fell from the chair and she leaned back on the chair with a yawn.
"Sure, we'll do it. If we do, we get the 10 billion yen prize."
The three nodded and she was handed a suitcase with many weapons made of anti-sensei material.
She took out one of the guns and shot a bullet at the target on the wall.
It hit bullseye but bounced back off.
She put it back and stood up.
Two people burst through the window and stood slightly behind her.
"Well, see you later."
They jumped out one of the windows and ran back to one of Chiseis many mansions.

The first training session.

Chisei was put against Karma and everyone was ready to see her get completely owned.
All except Chijoku and Hakura who smirked when they saw what approach she was using.
Karma was standing in a relaxed position, thinking that this win would be easy.
Chisei had an innocent look on her face and every movement she made looked innocent.
Karasuma shouted and Karma ran at her.
He went to rugby tackle her when she suddenly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.
Before he could get out of the move she was behind him and flipped him over her head.
Then she sat on his back with one of her hands holding his arms behind his back.
With the other she was sucking a lolly she had grabbed from his pocket.
"Chisei wins!"
Karasuma announced and Chisei got off him and started walking back.
Being the sore looser he had always been, Karma flicked out a real knife and ran at her.
She grabbed his arm and threw him into the classroom wall with so much force that it left a dent in the shape of his body.
Then she was suddenly infront of him with a piece of paper in a cone shape.
She stabbed it very close to his face and it made a small crater.
"The perfect murder weapon, as it can easily dissolve in water."
She snarled

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