Ghost SCP 01

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My name is Ghost.
And I am SCP 01.
The reason I'm SCP 01 I'd because of how much power I have and can still gain.
And yet these stupid humans actually think they can contain me as long as they give me what I want.
Well, I guess they're sorta right.
But I mean, it's free food!
Wouldn't you do the same?
Ah whatever.
Anyway, I'm actually only 16 years old but I've had 100+ lifetimes that I can remember.
About 4 months ago I heard that SCP 095 broke out and is currently teaching a class of screwups.
Oh yeah, and I'm the only one who can beat the SCPS so pretty much all of them are my bitches.
And i gave them human forms like my own, which isn't my real form.
My real form is literally black and purple mist that can form into anything.
That's one of the reasons I'm called Ghost.
So these guys have decided I'm to go and destroy this guy?
But they're giving me permission to have some fun with it.
I'm taking with me my dear pet 0946 who is a super intelligent black Anaconda that has all sorts of different poisons.
He's pretty small though and so can sit around my neck.
The last time I went outside, 3 years ago, the entire world fell in love with me at first sight so I went back to the facility after a month.
Yeah, they're also infatuated with me...
It gets really awkward when you see 40 year old scientists fighting over me.
Let's see how this turns out.

"Okay class, today we have a new student, Dark Yagami."
Like my code name? Yeah, me neither.
I walked into the room and smiled at the class reluctantly.
"Please take care of me.~"
Before you get the wrong idea, this is all acting. I actually want to kill most of this class already.
You seriously think holding your guns under the desk will hide them from 095?
095 definitely recognised me but tried not to make it obvious.
"Why don't you take a seat next to Karma? Karma, please raise your hand."
A red head in the back row raised his hand and I took a seat next to him.
'Uh, all I can taste is wasabi and mustard.'
0946 groaned through our mental connection.
'He must be a delinquent then.'
I replied before paying attention to what 095 was saying.
"The trip is tommorow so I want you to decide your groups now."
A girl with blonde hair put her hand up and asked,
"How many people can we have in each group?"
"7 Nakamura-chan."
095 replied.
The class started to create groups until I was the only one left.
Then they all turned to me and asked simultaneously,
"Do you want to join our group Dark-san?"
I sighed and walked over to the group that Karma was in, writing my code name on their clipboard.
The other groups glared at them before 095 interrupted by saying,
"Everyone get into your PE clothes and head to the football pitch."
I followed after the boys into the changing room and got into the kit the school had issued me.
"Are the shirts ment to be this tight?"
I asked in confusion.
It wasn't like the shirt was just a size small, it was literally like another layer skin.
The others were avoiding my eyes and trying hard to hide blushes that were on their faces.
"Karma do you happen to have a spare shirt?"
He nodded and threw one to me.
I changed into it and we walked outside to the football pitch, joining up with the girls halfway.
One of our other senseis, Karasuma, was standing in the middle and we all walked up to him, though it was 095 who started talking.
"So today we're going to play Pass, Kick, Kill. Does everyone know how to play?"
We all nodded and the game started.
'Guess hes got more arrogant. Just because you escaped the facility doesnt mean your anywhere near my level of power.'
Finally it was my time to Kill and Karma passed over the ball.
I used a spinning kick and the ball went flying through 2 of 095s tentacles.
"Geez I only hit 2? My aims gotten bad."
I grumbled to myself while the class was staring at me in shock.

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