Kisho kyandi

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Kisho Kyandi.
Bravest and most lovable person in the school.
He was always enthusiastic to help others out with any of their problems, whether it be helping you with your homework to playing a game of quidditch with you or even helping the teachers out with anything they needed.
Everyone was in love with him, but the poor boy was oblivious to the schools feelings towards him, which made the teachers laugh constantly when he misinterpreted what some said to him.
But he never would rely on someone else for his own problems.
Sometimes he would do more than his body could handle properly, which worried everyone but he would continue without any complaints.
He was currently in his 5th year and had been with the Golden Trio the entire way, saving them on more than one occasion.
In year 1 he took the Crusoe spell to the chest instead of Harry and then rugby tackled Professor Quirrel, allowing Harry to kill him.
That year he also saved them from the troll.
He pushed Hermione out the way and took a hit from the trolls club, smashing into the wall.
Then, even with broken bones, he stood up and distracted the troll for Ron to knock it out and caught Harry as he fell from its head.
Even after he didn't collapse and leaned against the wall until the teachers arrived.
He almost got out the toilets before he collapsed just in time for Professor Snape to catch him.

In year 2 he had helped Snape to create the antidote for the Basilisk stare for one.
He stopped Ginny from being controlled and stopped her from going into the chamber.
He caught Harry when the boy fell from his broom, avoiding any injuries.
When everyone was against him, Kisho stuck by his side and gradually stopped people from hating on the parseltounge.
In the chamber he stopped the Basilisk from killing Harry and in return was bitten in the shoulder, the poison being injected into him.
Even after that he stayed calm and said something to the Basilisk that Harry couldn't understand and it closed its eyes, dieing peacefully, knowing that an angel had promised it's rebirth with his family.
When Harry couldn't stab the horux, being so scared, Kisho had stood behind him and put one of his hands on the Basilisk tooth.
"Together, alright?"
He had said before they both stabbed the tooth through the pages.

In Year 3 he helped Remus with his transformations each months and turned into his animagus, a mythical bird, and distracted Remus from the school by taking the hits from him and dodging only a few, just to keep him interested.
By morning he would collapse from blood loss after making sure that Remus was safe and would look deadly pale for the next 2 days.
He helped Sirius stay out of sight and when they discovered Peter, took on both Crucio spells and helped trap him before going animagus and leading Remus away from the school.
The others, along with the teachers, waited at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest and in the morning saw a shirtless Kisho, covered in cuts and bleeding heavily, carrying an unconscious Remus with Kishos shirt tied around his left shoulder with blood staining it.
They rushed over and Sirius took Remus from him as he collapsed weakly into Dumbledores arms.

In year 4 he was also chosen for the Triwizard Tournament and spoke in a language no one could understand to the dragon, who lay down and allowed Kisho to take the golden egg.
After Harry had got his egg, the dragon managed to get loose of his chains and Harry was stuck in the enclosure with no escape.
Everyone could do nothing but watch while the teachers and other champions were struggling to hold Kisho down.
When he heard Harry's scream, though, he managed to manoeuvre out of their grips and ran into the arena, turning into his animagus form and flying around the dragons head, distracting it from Harry, before flying to the other side of the arena and turning human.
The dragon followed over with a roar and shot out an attack of fire, to which Kisho barely dogged, his arm getting burned badly.
The dragon set its sights back on Harry after Kisho collapsed but before it could get to him, the dragon tamers managed to sedate it.
Then everyone rushed over to Kisho to find his left arm badly burned, claw marks sliced across his chest and bruises and other cuts scatted around his body.
In the last challenge he saved Harry, Victor, and Sirius Black from death by Voldemort but in the process had to go through an hour of torture.

Now, let's see what happens in his 5th year.

"I am Dolores Umbridge, and I have been sent here from the ministry...."
No one was listening.
All of Gryffindor was all fighting for Kishos attention while the other houses were glaring at them.
And in the middle of it, Kisho was looking confused at why he kept being distracted from the person he was talking to and then shoved around as someone else started talking.
He yelped as he was pushed to the floor and everyone stopped, looking at him with panicked and concerned eyes.
He sat up and looked around before bursting out laughing.
"T-that w-was Amazing!!"
Everyone sighed in relief to see that he was fine and Harry pulled him up.
"Excuse me?! What do you think your doing interrupting a Professor like that! Detention, pink boy."
Dolores sneered and Kisho sighed with his eyes downcast but nodded before sitting back down.
'Something else to add to my already over flowing schedule.'
When Dolores had finally finished her speech, Kisho took out a load of paperwork and started doing it, barely eating any of the food while everyone else dug in.
"Is that all your going to eat?"
Harry asked in concern.
"Hm? Oh, yeah, I get travel sick so I cant really eat much right now."
Kisho said with a closed eye smile before getting back to his paperwork.
At the end of the feast, Kisho put away his paperwork before running off down the halls, clipboard and pen in hand.
"Who is that pink haired boy who so rudely interrupted me?"
Dolores asked rudely when every student had left.
"That was Kisho Kyandi, Dolores. The bravest and most helpful student in the school."

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