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Everything will be finalized and put into action now! 

Just to clear something up, Naruto looks just like young Minato, so I am going to describe him as Minato when he was a child, okay? Natsumi is like feminine, redheaded Naruto minus whisker marks.  

Oh, and those who have read already, please note that there is no Menma. I took him out because I thought that if it was just Natsumi and Naruto, then they could get closer.

I hope you enjoy!


It has been three years. Three years to plan, to fix up cracks, improve, get stronger, and most of all, converse with the jinchuuriki in the world.

Naruto remembered how he felt when he first got the letters from them. He still read them nowadays, even though he had other letters too.

The first one arrived from Sumi, who had been sent to Kirikagure, the Hidden Village in the Mist. The letter was from Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage.

Dear Uzumaki-san,

My name is Yagura, Fourth Mizukage of Kirikagure. I am host to Isobu, the Three-Tailed Turtle. My village is known as the Bloody Mist, but please, pay no heed to this. I am merely fighting against the rebels who wish to over-throw me. 

I would very much like to meet you, Naruto Uzumaki. I hope one day we can travel together.



That had been the first letter that Naruto received, and had immediately drawn to the conclusion that Yagura was a very formal person.

Smiling, Naruto happily wrote back, whilst waiting for the other letters to arrive. You simply could not imagine his joy when all eight jinchuuriki replied back to him.


Naruto was slowly dozing off as Iruka-sensei droned on and on about his congratulation speech for making Genin. The blonde really was endlessly patient, but he absolutely hated speeches with an intense passion. 

Sasuke Uchiha looked at him sympathetically. The raven couldn't really blame him. Sasuke himself was almost dropping off to sleep, but that surely wouldn't go well with his mother. 

Fortunately for the two of them, Iruka's speech had been cut off when the door opened. Naruto and Sasuke shot to attention, startling Sakura and Ino, who had been sitting with them. The boys' bodies were rigidly alert, their eyes sharp.

"Sorry for interrupting your class, Iruka," the Fourth Hokage apologized. "This is my daughter, Natsumi Uzumaki-Namikaze. I believe you passed her yesterday, so she will be joining your class from now on." 

"That's alright Hokage-sama," Iruka Umino said politely, but inside he was wondering if the child knew how to fight. Sure the girl knew the Academy jutsus and basic knowledge that passed her to Genin, but did that matter if she didn't even know anyone? Would she be a stuck-up brat or work with her teammates?

"Now you will be assigned your genin teams," Iruka announced, his eyes flitting warily to the Hokage's daughter.

(I'm making up names here, so don't ask)

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