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"Truth demands progress and change, and is always for the benefit of all souls-- even if you must travel through a difficult learning process or make a shift as a result of facing the truth."
~Molly Friedenfeld

Daryl Dixon

It had rained all night. Tracking the two missing girls would be near to impossible but we'd find them. I'd search the whole damn woods if I had to. They're coming back safe. I couldn't help myself from fearing the worst. They were out there all night in the rain.

"Everybody takes a weapon." Rick spoke as he placed a roll of knives onto the table. I watched at Andrea scuffed. Her idiotic blonde self was getting annoying.

"These aren't the kind of weapons we need." She sassed. I rolled my eyes at the girl. I wanted to speed this along, and get back out there and search. "What about the guns?" Andrea asked.

"We've been over that." Shane stated as Lori picked up one of the knives from the hood of the car. "Daryl, Rick, and I are carrying." He told her. I looked back at him for a moment as he silently mumbled, "We can't have people popping off rounds every time a tree rustles." I let a small almost non existent smile form on my face from his sarcastic remark and shook my head.

"It's not the trees I'm worried about." Andrea remarked. "Besides, Skye would get to carry one." She mumbled under her breath. I felt my blood boil at her comment, the way she talked about Skye always seemed to piss me off, Andrea pissed me off, going around acting like she's better than everyone else here.

"Yer right, she would get to carry one." I snapped at the blonde. "Maybe it's just cus she's better than ya." I spoke, trying to get under the woman's skin. Her blue eyes snapped up, she glared daggers at me. I smirked to myself knowing I got to her.

"She's not better than me." Andrea concluded. I rolled my eyes at the immature blonde, knowing I could push even further.

"Better, stronger, same thing right?" I asked. Andrea groaned in frustration, but she remained silent, knowing that I was right and she wouldn't win this argument. I looked over at Rick to see an amused smile on his face. I couldn't help but let a small smile form on my own face at Andrea's petty reaction.

"Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a herd happens to be passing by. See, then its game over for all of us. So you need to get over it." Shane told the blonde. I could tell Andrea was growing more frustrated by the moment, only making me need to hold in my laughter. If Skye were here she'd be laughing her ass off at the disappointed look on Andrea's face.

"The idea is ta take the creek up about five miles, turn around and come back down the other side. Chances are they'll be by the creek, or at least near it. It's there only landmark." I told the group.


We made our way through the woods, the tracks were gone; washed away in the storm last night. I kept walking, failing to mention the chances of finding the girls to the group. I led with Glenn following close behind me, right on my heels. I turned a moment to see a worried look on the Koreans face. I sighed, not comfortable with the whole 'feelings' type of thing. I shook my head before saying,

"Ye doin' okay?" Glenn's head snapped up at my woods, a look of confusion on his face.

"I'm trying to be." He suddenly confessed. I nodded my head, understanding what he meant. We were all just trying to hold up, keep going. We had to keep hope alive even though the chances of finding them were slim, Carol couldn't know that. "How are you doing with all this?" Glenn suddenly asked. He now walked beside me, the same troubled look on his face. I shook my head.

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