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"I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it."

~Demi Lovato

Skye Taylor

I sat on a log after finishing my food. Just sitting here wondering how all these people came to meet each other. Each are from different back rounds, they each lived completely different lives once. I shook my head and stood from the log. Remember Skye, don't get attached to people, rule number 5.

Maybe staying here for a little while won't be so bad, I'll only stay until I find somewhere safer. I walked over to the man with the black hair, Shane.

"Hey I was wonderin' if there's anythin I can do to help out around here?" I asked. The man chuckled softly at me and I rose my eyebrow in confusion. "What?" I asked.

"You've been here about thirty minutes and ya already want to help us?"

"Ya did give me the first thing I've had to eat in about two weeks. So yeah, I wanna help out." I told the man. Just looking at all the people around here I can tell women don't do much, I mean sure we all need our food cooked and some clean laundry but come on, do any of them even know how to shoot a gun? And If Shane tells me to do laundry I'm going to scream, These men are unbelievably sexist around here.

"Ya know how to shoot that thing?" Shane asked as he pointed to my bow in my hand.

"Would I carry it around if I didn't?" Shane chuckled at my sarcastic response and nodded his head.

"Good. Daryl's about to go hunting. Why don't you go with him?"  I sighed at the thought of hanging out with that idiot redneck who just screams at you for no reason. I nodded my head anyways and walked over to Daryl's tent.

Of course I had no way of knocking so I just unzipped his tent before calling his name,
"Daryl?" I walked into his tent and there he was, shirtless and facing the other direction so I couldn't see his face. The first thing I noticed were the long scars running up and down his back. I couldn't help but stare at them, I've seen scars just like those ones, I see them every time I look in a mirror.

"Damn woman don't ya know how to knock?" Daryl yelled. I suddenly snapped out of my daze to see him only inches from my face, his face was red and anger was written across it. "What you starin at girl?!" He yelled. I gulped not knowing what to say and just stood there staring at his face. "You come in here to stare at me or what?!"

"I uhhh..." I stuttered not being able to form words with my lips. I finally pulled myself out of it before saying, "Shane wants me to go hunting with you today. That's why I came in here, I wanted to ask when you were leaving." Daryl's angry face soon softened. His face then turned amused.

"Ya even know how to shoot that thing?" He asked laughing slightly,

"Why do people keep askin that?"

"Because yer a girl." He told me before walking out of his tent. I felt my face turn hot, seriously? Because I'm a girl they don't think I'm capable of shooting?" I rushed out of Daryl's tent and place an arrow in my bow. I pulled back and hit a tree right beside Daryl, it landed right beside his head. If I only launched it a few more inches he'd be dead. Daryl spun around quickly and glared at me.

"Careful redneck, next time I won't miss." Daryl's lips curved into a smile and he nodded his head.

"We leave now." He told me. I nodded my head and took my arrow out of the tree. I looked over to see Daryl already making his way to the woods, his crossbow strapped across his back.

This is going to be fun. Maybe trusting the redneck isn't such a bad idea, in ways I guess he's just like me.

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