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"I believe nothing happens by mistake. You know, the universe has a divine plan. That sounds dramatic."
~Lana Del Rey

Skye Taylor

I clenched onto Daryl's shirt. I didn't want to let go. The tears I had held in began to pour out like a river. Daryl rubbed my back as he pulled me closer to his body. I hated crying, I hated looking weak but as I turned my head and saw Andrea sitting over her sisters motionless body I couldn't stop myself from letting the tears fall.

"Hey, hey, hey." Daryl whispered as he pulled away. He cupped my face in his hands. I stared up into his blue eyes and let the tears fall faster.

"I should have left." I sobbed. "This, this is why I don't get close to people." I said as my eyes scanned around the group. Dead bodies littered the floor and I just knew I wasn't going to be able to put on a brave face.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine." Daryl said before pulling me in for another hug. One arm wrapped around my lower back while he held onto the back of my head. I put my forehead against his chest and just let the tears come out, drenching his shirt in the process.

After a minute or two I pulled away from Daryl and wiped my tears away. It was bad enough Daryl saw me cry, I didn't want anyone else to see it either.

"Hey wha' happened ta yer hand?" Daryl asked and he grabbed onto my right hand, making me wince in pain. "Sorry." He mumbled as he examined it.

"I beat Ed up." I said making Daryl quickly look up from my hand and to my eyes. "Then I got really mad afterwards so I punched a tree." I mumbled. Daryl laughed and shook his head.

"Come on, I'll help ye wrap it." He said as he lead me over to the RV. "Dale." Daryl called. I looked up to see Dale looking down at us from on top of the RV. "Do ye have a first aid kit in there?"

"Were either of you bit?" Dale asked, concern filling his voice.

"Nah, Skye jus' got pissed an' punched a tree." Daryl called up. Dale chuckled softly and nodded his head.

"Yeah there's a first aid kit in the cabinet above the sink."

"Thanks." I called up to him making the man smile and nod his head. Daryl opened the door to the RV and walked inside, pulling me in along after him.

"Sit." He spoke. I nodded my head and sat on the table. I watched as Daryl reached up to grab the first aid kit from the cabinet. He pulled it down and set it beside me on the table. He grabbed my hand and examined it yet again. I looked down seeing the dried blood on it. "Yer stupid." He finally spoke as he looked up into my green eyes. I laughed and nodded my head.

"I know." I told him. I then noticed how close we really were to each other, his face only inches from mine. I looked into those blue eyes. I began to lean in, as did he. Right as I thought we were about to kiss he opened the first aid kit and said,

"This is gonna sting." I mentally sighed. I can't believe I actually thought something was going to happen there. He pulled out some type of spray. He held onto my hand and quickly sprayed it. I winced but let him continue. He then got out a gauze and wrapped my hand, he was silent the entire time.

"You sure you weren't a doctor before all this?" I joked. Daryl looked up at me and smiled his perfect smile, the one I wished he would use more often.

"What happened ta yer lip?" He asked, suddenly becoming serious. His hand moved to my lip as he tried getting a better look at it. The dried blood probably still there from earlier. He looked down at me as I looked up into his blue eyes, completely out of breath.

Daryl's POV 

I stared down at the brunettes lips. All I could think about was how they'd feel against my own dry lips. I shook the thought away and grabbed a washcloth. I dumped some water from a bottle onto it and began to wipe the blood away from her lip.

I could feel her eyes on me the entire time. I tried avoiding her green eyes, knowing they might be the death of me.


Merle's gone barely two days and I'm already becoming a sissy.

I couldn't help it though, just seeing this woman smile was enough to make me want to smile everyday for the rest of my life. Seeing her cry tonight almost broke me.

I looked down into her green eyes, I meant to look away but it was almost as if I fell in a trance. She looked up at me as well the tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I suddenly couldn't control myself. I threw the washcloth to the floor and smashed my lips to her's. 

I moved my hands to her waist and she moved her's around my neck. It was like someone else had control of my body, like none of this was even me. Before I knew it we were both on top of the table, Skye underneath me.

I suddenly came to my senses and pulled away.

"Daryl..." She moaned, her eyes still shut. I got off the table and stood to my feet, suddenly feeling awkward with the whole encounter. Skye sat up as well and stared at me, waiting for me to say something, anything.

"I... I don't know wha' came over meh." I said, looking down to the carpet beneath me. "I'm sorry." I said before rushing out of the RV. I grabbed my crossbow that I left beside the door and rushed out to the woods.

I was completely embarrassed from the whole encounter. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't know what I was thinking, I wasn't thinking. I just hope she wasn't mad.

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