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"This world is a jungle. You either fight or run forever." ~Unknown

Skye Taylor

The CDC was obviously a bust. We were going to try and make it to Fort Benning. Every time I try and check out, this group finds another way to reel me back in. We were close to the city, I could have gone in. I could have searched for Seth. Since the explosion at the CDC young Sophia hasn't left my side.

I sat in the RV, Sophia and Carl across from me. I stared out the window as the two children played cards. I have never been very fond of children, and they've never been too fond of me. Why Sophia and Carl stuck to me like glue, I couldn't explain.

"Skye, come play with us." Sophia spoke, bringing me out of my daze. I looked over at the girl to see a smile on her face. I looked away for a moment to see Glenn looking at me. He looked away the moment my eyes met his.

"Okay. I'll play, but only if you convince Glenn to play too." I said with a smirk playing on my lips. Both Sophia and Carl turned around in their seats.

"Please Glenn, please." The children begged in unison. Glenn playfully rolled his eyes and sat down beside me. Sophia passed out the cards, giving everyone seven. I hadn't played go fish in years, but the rules were too simple to forget.

"We should talk." I whispered, so only Glenn could hear. I didn't look at him but I could tell he was shaking  his head at me.

"There's nothing to talk about." He whispered back as Carl and Sophia fought over who should go first.

"Glenn, we're friends. I don't want you to be mad at me." I spoke in the same tone as before.

"Really? You don't strike me as the kind of girl that would care if someone's mad at you." He said, earning a laugh from me. Typically I didn't care. I don't typically care what others think of me let alone care how I made them feel. It was different with Glenn, maybe it was the end of the world talking, maybe it was the fact that I know either of us could die at any moment, whatever it was I didn't want him to be mad at me before something bad could happen.

"I typically don't. I've never really had any friends before, Glenn. I don't want to lose my first and only friend." I told the boy. He looked up at me and smiled before saying,

"Lets just forget it ever happened, Batman." Glenn said with a smile.

"Thank you, Robin." He laughed and nodded his head.

The RV began to slow down making my curious mind wander. I looked out the window of the RV, it looked like we were on a highway, cars were everywhere. We slowly made out way around the turned over cars in our path.

"Jeez." Glenn spoke, looking out the window as well. The RV stopped making me look over to Dale, he stepped outside. Glenn stood and followed him out. I watched as Carl got up to go check it out as well.

"Hold on." I spoke, grabbing onto his wrist. He looked back at me sending me a look that said 'let me go'. I shook my head at the boy. "You and Sophia need to stay in here. We don't know what's out there."

"Skye, we'll be fine." Carl spoke in a small voice. I looked over to Sophia to see her nodding at me, telling me it was okay. I shook my head and said,

"Fine. But you stay with me. You don't leave my side unless you're going to your mom, and only if she is standing two steps away from me. Got it?"

"Got it." The two said in unison. I got up and walked outside the RV, Carl and Sophia hot on my trail.

"Just a small matter of being stuck in the middle of nowhere with no hope of--" I heard Dale say as I stepped forward with the two kids beside me. "Okay, that was dumb."

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