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"Every time you get angry, you poison your own system."
~Alfred A. Montapert

Skye Taylor

What the hell was that?

That was the only question floating around in my mind.

Daryl kissed me yesterday.

Daryl fucking Dixon kissed me yesterday then ran out. After everything that happened last night, we still managed to find a small moment in the RV, a moment where I forgot that Amy and the others had died.

I wanted to fix this but I didn't know how. We shouldn't have lost so many people but we did. I contemplated leaving but I didn't know how. How after all we lost could I just say goodbye?

I watched as Daryl took a pick-axe and hit one of the dead in the head. I walked over to it along with the boy, Glenn and picked it up by its arms; while Glenn picked it up by the feet. After we both had a grip on the dead creature we threw it into a burning fire.

"Ye best leave that ta someone else, yer gonna hurt yer hand even more." Daryl said from behind me. I turned around and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'll be fine." I told him. I had been helping burn the dead all morning, the stench making me want to gag. Daryl shrugged and walked over to get the next dead thing in the head, to make sure it couldn't come back.

"I'd never seen Daryl worry about anyone beside him and his brother." I looked over to Glenn to see a smile on his face, sweat glistening off his skin. He still managed to keep that hopeful smile though. I again shrugged my shoulders.

"Ya'll don't give Daryl enough credit, he doesn't show it but he cares." I told the younger looking boy. He put his hands up in surrender but never let the smile disappear from his face. I looked over to see the group gathered around, aside from Andrea and the kids.

"We should probably go see what's going on." Glenn spoke. I nodded my head and walked over to see what all the fuss was about.

"Ya'll can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a time bomb." I heard Daryl say as I got closer to them.

"What do you suggest?" Rick asked him.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here." Daryl told him.

"What's goin' on?" I asked. Rick looked at me and shook his head.

"We need to do somethin' about Amy." He told me. I looked over at Andrea, she was still siting beside her sister's dead body; she had been all night.

"For god's sakes, just let her be." Lori spoke, before sitting down. Nobody spoke but I could tell Daryl was upset. He scoffed and walked off.

"It'll be okay." I clarified, nodding my head. I walked back over to help Daryl finish with the rest of the dead, Glenn trailing behind me. I watched as Daryl helped Morales drag a dead one.

"Wait what are you guys doing?" Glenn asked, coming up from behind me. "This is for geeks. Our people go over there." He exclaimed, pointing in another direction.

"Wha's the difference? They're all infected." Daryl stated.

"Our people go over in that row over there." He said, making the two men drop the dead guy, I never even knew the name of. "We don't burn them!" Glenn exclaimed.

"We bury them." I said coming into view of the men. "Glenn's right, we can't. We can't burn them."

"Our people go in that row over there."Glenn said. Daryl and Morales began dragging the man in the other direction, to start the pile Glenn wanted. "Thanks." Glenn whispered. I looked over at the Korean and nodded my head.

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