Where the heck do you look while walking?

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I never know where to look when I'm walking down the hall. Seriously.

Do I look forward blankly? Then it's weird cause I look all spaced out. But if I look forward focused, then I usually make weird eye contact with strangers.

Do I look to the left? The right?

Do I look down at the ground? Am I that weird girl who stares at her feet while walking? THAT'S WEIRD! Not only am I probably a whole lot more likely to get lost cause I can't fricking see where I'm going, it also makes me look and feel extremely shy and just plain weird. And who wants to stare at their shoes all day? Boring.

Do I look up? At the sky? Um, no. Weird. Even if there are pretty birds.

Do I just constantly look in different directions, my eyes darting around wildly, trying to find something to focus on?

Maybe I should just walk around campus with my eyes closed. Solve the whole problem. I'd probably walk into people a lot and never be on time to class, though, but it's weird looking around.

And when I look at other people to see where they're looking, they're either looking down to avoid me because they aren't sure whether or not to say hi and will therefore ignore me or are staring back wondering why some crazy girl walking down the hall is looking at them.

It is a serious dilemma. WHERE DO YOU LOOK? Feel free to comment. I'd genuinely like to know.

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