Looks don't matter. Except they do.

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Everyone always tells you not to be superficial. Not to judge people's appearances. Not to bla bla bla...

Please. *eyeroll*

Looks are important in high school. Sure, your closest friends don't care. But that's kinda why you have friends, so that you can stop pretending for part of the day.

Everyone judges everyone. Some more than others. But everyone does it, get real.

A boy once told me I wasn't pretty (but apparently I have "potential". He then gave me a list of things I could change in order to be pretty). We were friends, and yet he still told me this. No matter how much you say that looks don't matter, and no matter how much you say they don't matter to you, trust me. They do.

And of course you can always choose not to let it bother you. I promptly ignored his list. Sure, it might have been true. But who cares?

What I'm trying to say is: people are going to judge you. No matter what you do, you are going to be under constant judgment. It's inevitable. You can pluck and tweeze and wax and cover up and lipstick and mascara and Forever XXI and miniskirt it all you want, but there will still be something "wrong" with you. SO DON'T LET IT BOTHER YOU. I thought I had to change myself so that I'd be prettier. Well you know what?

To all the people who think I'm not pretty: GO TO HELL. I DON'T CARE.

You don't want to wear makeup? Screw it, don't. You just want to wear jeans? Screw it, go for it! Do whatever the hell you want, and don't be ashamed!

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