Things guys do that are both creepy and sweet.

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Creesweet: adj: Used to describe an action (normally performed by guys) that are simultaneously sweet and extremely creepy.

My friend and I made up this term to describe, well, all of the things that people (specifically guys) do that are kinda sweet and kinda creepy.

1. Texting you 24/7. Especially when you're not in a super serious relationship.

I've had guys I wasn't even dating literally text me nonstop. (And I literally mean literally) At all hours of the day or night, they would text me. And sometimes get annoyed when I didn't text back. EVEN THOUGH IT'S 4 IN THE MORNING I DON'T HAVE MY FRICKING PHONE IT'S A SCHOOL NIGHT. I'm sorry, sweetie, but give me a liiittle bit of breathing room! Seriously!

2. Asking what you're wearing.

Dude. No. Just no. What the hell? Don't ask me that! God! What the hell? I once was texting a guy and said I was going to the beach. He then asked me what I was going to wear-- bikini or one-piece. Dude. No. Just NO. That is SO DAMN CREEPY! Seriously! You have nothing to do with me going to the beach. Don't ask what kind of swimsuit I'm going to wear. Why are you trying to picture me in a swimsuit? (I look good by the way, internet people, and since you don't know me I can say that and you have to believe me!) It's creepy as fricking hell.

3. Telling you what they're wearing (or not wearing).

Mid-text conversation, the guy (some of these are the same guy, but not all, btw) tells me he's in bed wearing nothing but boxers. For absolutely no reason, the guy doesn't even likelike me or anything. He just tells me. While I'm flattered that we have such a close relationship you feel comfortable letting me know you are very underdressed... That is waaay more info than I needed. Seriously.

4. Walking you to your class even though their class is in an opposite direction.

So, it's sweet when your boyfriend does it, or when a friend does it because they're going the same way. But if we're not going the same way... Then go to your class! It's weird to walk me and then turn around and run across campus because you're going to be late now. I don't need to be walked. Especially if we're having a really awkward conversation because you just seem to appear out of nowhere. It's sweet, but also majorly creepy that they're going so far out of their way.

5. Trying to make plans and asking where you live even though you're not making plans at your house.

Not really sure why you need my address if we're meeting in a public place...? *Cough cough* get out of my bushes.

6. Offering to carry your stuff when you have like one book and they're already carrying a ton of things.

Admittedly, it's sweet. But it's also kind of weird if they're carrying a ton of things already, because it's like "Um... Are you my pack mule now?" I mean, I don't want you to carry a ton of stuff. I can carry my own.

It's also weird when you only have like a paper or a small book that's not even heavy. It comes off way too strongly, and is majorly creesweet. Also, I can carry my own paper. Thanks, though...

7. Knowing your name when you don't know theirs and have never said a single word to them.

How do you know my name? It's creepy! I mean, thanks for taking the time to get to know a little about me, but stalker much? It's different like if you have classes or something together, but to just randomly know my name? It makes me feel like I'm going to end up in a soundproof room in your basement or something.

8. "Oh, yeah, I see you ___."

Normally the person just means that they see you walk to a certain class, during a specific activity or sport, etc, which is totally fine and normal... Except for the wording. The wording is always creepy. "I see you..." or "I watch you..." or something majorly creepy. While the actual sentence is harmless, again, soundproof basement or whatever.

9. Asking you out multiple times.

It's sweet that you like me and want to go out with me, but after being turned down not once but twice and in very blunt and explicit ways, you should really just move on. You are barking up the wrong tree, my friend. After awhile, it's just sad and creepy to keep trying. Persistence = good. Asking me out for the fortieth time after I literally told you I only see you as a friend and will never change my mind = not good.


I know a guy who admitted he dated a girl for several weeks before learning her name.




Learn the girl's fricking name before you date her. That's just common sense! No matter how sweet they are, it's just CREEPY to be like "I love you... Um... What was your name again?" DON'T DO IT GUYS. LEARN HER NAME AND THEN ASK HER OUT. I DON'T CARE IF IT'S IN THE SAME DAY. I DON'T CARE IF IT'S IN THE SAME SENTENCE. JUST. DO. IT.

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