I Love You...

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Yesterday I had no plans for today, then Jared had asked if I wanted to go to the fair that was in town today, with Shannon, Tomo, and Viki, that's where I am now. Just walking, getting on the rides, and talking while we get food every once in a while. We are walking to the exit, leaving to go to the car, and I stop in my tracks. He's here.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Jared asks looking over in the direction I'm looking in. I still haven't told them.

"No, I'm fine. It's nothing," I stutter out, trying very hard to stay calm and most likely failing miserably.

Jared looks from where I was looking and looks me straight in the eye, with his perfect blue eyes, "Tell me the truth (Y/n)," he begins, "What is wrong?"

Just then I'm about to speak when I'm cut off by the voice I wished I would never hear again.


Life is fun, I got a fun very good paying job, I live in a big house, I have great friends, and I have a date today. I arrive at the place I have my date at; I walk in, hoping that this one will be the one.


It is exactly one year since that date, with James. We have now been together for about 10 months. We are having a 'Anniversary Date' celebrating our first date. My phone starts to ring while I'm getting ready for the date, it's James.

"Hey J!" I squeal into the phone, J is what I called James as a nickname.

"Hey (Y/n). Meet me at my place in a hour, okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you then." I answer, smiling as I talk.

"See ya, remember one hour. Bye." He replies fast.

"James, I love you." I whisper and I don't get a reply then he hangs up, "Wow that was rude."

I quickly get ready and I'm really early, like 40 minutes early, its 10 mins to get to his house, so I go ahead and get in the in the car.

10 minutes later I arrive at James's house. As I'm walking up to the door I notice that there is another car in the driveway. Maybe he has one of his friends over. I walk up to the door and knock, there's no answer. Strange. I try to open the door, Locked. Then, I take the key that James gave me and open the door; I walk in and try to look for him. The house is dark, all the lights are off and the curtains are closed.

"James," I yell, "James?" Suddenly I hear a big booming noise coming from upstairs. Slowly I walk up the stairs; the boom happens again, it's coming from James's room. I grab a hold of the cold, metal doorknob; I open the door and look inside the room.

James was on top of a girl in a very revealing outfit, making out with her and trying to take off her clothes.

I start crying and I manage to make out, "J-James?" The two stop kissing and both look in my direction; by now tears are steaming down my face.

James looks at me with no emotion, "I said a hour, not thirty minutes." He goes back to kissing the girl. This was not the lovable, sweet James I knew and loved.

"Stop! This isn't you, James," I yell out still crying, "this isn't you!" I'm feeling a lot of things right now: anger, sadness, but most of all I'm confused, the James I know would never cheat on someone much less be capable of giving someone such a cold stare like he just made.

He got off the girl and gave her money, "I'll see ya next week," he said as the girl took off, "I guess you don't know me that well then." He is so heartless all the sudden. "You will stay with me and if you ever even think about leaving then you best hope I never find out."

~~~End of Flashback~~~

After that day I was in an abusive relationship for five years. I saw that once sweet guy stand in front of me and act like he never did that. I haven't told Jared or any of them yet. It's so depressing to even think about.

"(Y/n), aren't you gonna give me a hug? We haven't seen each other in forever," he takes a smile while talking. I know he's faking It because I have seen him faking and his real smile and voice when I found James on top of that prostitute. He goes in to hug me and I flinch, Jared noticing my movements.

Jared pulls me to the side, "Okay, (Y/n), who is that? I have never seen him in my entire life and why don't you seem happy to see an old friend?" He looks at me, full of questions.

"He's not an old friend."

"Then who the hell is that guy?"

I'm terrified. I never talk about James for the simple fact that it's not a very pretty story, because life isn't rainbows and sunshine. For five years my life was waking up to be a slave in my own house and having a fear of getting a bruise that I wouldn't be able to hide. The fear of making even one small, simple, tiny mistake.

Jared knows me better than anyone I've ever met, he looks at me for an answer but only gets a look of fear and he knows that I'm afraid.

Sighing softly he says, "I won't pressure you to tell me but what I can tell is you don't want him around, right?" I nod my head. "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

Him saying that comforts me to the point that I'm not afraid anymore. I know Jared's gonna protect me.

"So how've you been, Sweetheart?" He exclaims with a twisted smile.

"We were just leaving." Jared pipes in, James attention staying on me the whole time.

"How about you mind your damn business, mother fucker!" Fear shakes through my body and I want to curl up and cry. "My little darling, over here, isn't gonna run away from me again. Do you hear me? You're mine." James grabs my arm and starts pulling me away from the group.

My legs turn to Jello and no matter how much I try to get away, I don't have the strength. In the corner of my eye I see Shannon on the phone, Tomo's face filled with fear and Jared's face filled with anger.

"I think you're mistaken because this girl is mine." The shock of what Jared just said loosened James grip on my arm and Jared twirls me under his arm.

"I think you need to know your place." James grinds his teeth in fury. He takes a swing at Jared but Jared successfully blocks the punch and gives one back, sending James to the floor and stunning him long enough for the cops to handcuff him.

Jared pulls me closer, "Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you. I care way too much about you to let that happen." Tears form in my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I nod my head and look up at his handsome face.

"I love you." I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on my toes so our faces can be close together. We kiss and for the first time in years I actually felt loved.

"I love you too, (Y/n), so goddamn much."

Hey all you amazing people out there! I'm back from a very long break! I needed to be in a better place mentally before I kept anything going but I'm finally back! I actually started this one a while ago but took my break in the middle of writing it so I hope you enjoy my first story back! Also be sure to check out my message board because I have entered in a writing contest! Right now it's on hold because of a shortage of submissions but if all of you lovelies enter or share it with others then hopefully it won't be on hold for much longer! So that's all I have to say! Why don't you share my books and profile to people who would like them? I love all you lovelies! And I will see you in the next update! Byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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