The New Babies?

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Putting up with this in my stomach is horrible. I can't barely move. It's a pain but Jared is there with me. I don't know how he does it. He cancelled the tour because I was pregnant. He's been my my side for 9 months now and the baby is due any day now.

"Babe?" I look his way. "Are we sure we're ready to be parents?"

As soon as I'm about to answer my water breaks.

"...J...My...water," he looks at me with a 'oh shit' face then grabs his phone and calls 911.

A few hours later I'm pushing out the baby. I was going to have a c-section, but since I went into labor early      no-can-do on it now.

Jared stayed by my side no mater how many times I squeezed his hand hard enough to break it.

They hand me the baby. She is so cute. Jared said I could pick the name so I'm going to name her Alli (5sos_alli).

"Oh my god, (Y/n)," I look where he is looking and see another baby. I hand Alli to Jared and hold the other baby, also a girl.

I look at Jared, "That one's Alli. What should we name this girl?"

"I think Jordyn (jgordon32) is a pretty name," he says in a sweet voice and I nod.

"Alli and Jordyn," I say, "Cute."

We brought them home the next day and we took care of the little cuties so much.

Hey lovelies! This story has things similar to the previous one, but it is not the same! None of these are the same story unless it has part one/part two. Why don't you share my books to someone who would like them? I love all you lovelies and I will see you in the next update. Byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!

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