The Concert~Part Two

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"(Y/n)? Is that you?" Jared says looking at me hopefully.

"Yes, Jared it's me," as soon as I said that he ran towards me picking me up into a hug.

"It's you! It really is you," he exclaimed spinning me around.

"Hey? You two lovebirds done over there?" I look over where the voice came from and see Shannon Leto.

I blush realising I'm still in Jared's arms, his big, strong, muscular arms, and Jared sets me down his face turning a light shade of pink. "We're not-I-Um..." I say turning a darker shade of red.

There is a silence in the room and Jared clears his throat then starts to speak, "Um, Shannon, you remember (Y/n). We met a year ago; she also met you and Tomo."

Shannon looks up and down at me then speaks, "Oh yeah, that's right. I remember now," he smiles at me, "You look even more gorgeous than you did when we met you!"

I stare at the floor, blushing in embarrassment. I've never been one to get compliments a lot. "Thanks..." I respond still looking at the floor. I can feel Jared's hand graze my own.

Then Tomo peaks out at us, "Hey guys the people outside are about to come in-Wait...Who is that?"

Jared puts his arm around me in a friendly way, "This is (Y/n). You remember her right?" Jared smiles at me, his smile looks lovingly but also friendly at the same time.

"Oh yeah, I remember, but you guys have to come up here or I'm gonna just tell Bruno to let all the fan girls in. Then I'm gonna watch the fan girls rip you two to pieces," he jokes sarcastically to Jared and Shannon.

Jared's arm leaves my shoulder as him and Shannon wave goodbye and go to the stage. I follow them but stoping at one of the front chairs, right in the middle of the stage. Jared looks at me and winks, and then the doors open releasing all the fan girls and fan boys. Someone sits next to me and turns to me, "Do you know how lucky we are to get front row seats? This is gonna be awesome!"

The girl and I talk until Jared gets on the stage with Shannon and Tomo. "Which one's your favorite?" She looks shocked at my question then she smiles.

"Well I like all of them. They all give the band uniqueness and quality, but being honest, I like Jared the best," she calmly stated. "Which one is your favorite?"

I know who mine was right there, but I acted like I was thinking for a second, "You know what?" She looked at me with curiosity, "I'd have to agree with you on this subject." We both laugh until we are quieted by fan girls screaming their heads off.

We both look to the stage, and we see Jared without a shirt. I put my face in my hands leaving a space for my eyes to peak out and stare at how hot he was. He sees me me do this and smirks. I could tell he had an idea by the look on his face.

"Hello (your town)! Okay lets see what should we sing first," all the crowd screams in joy, "Hm...What about City Of Angels?" Again the crowd screamed saying 'yes'.

After he finished singing City Of Angels, he glanced at me, "Hey," the girl beside me says, snapping my focus off Jared, "I never got your name."

"My name is (Y/n). What about you, what's your name," I question the brunette, blue eyed girl beside me.

She looks very nervous, "Um...I don't really go by my name. Just call me Geeky," she says kinda stuttering over her words.

I smile at Geeky and we exchange numbers, very fast. I look at Geeky, after turning off my phone, to see her looking at the stage with a shocked expression in her baby blue eyes. I look forward to the stage to see Jared standing on the stage above me, with his hand outstretched towards me. I take his hand, and he pulls me up onto the stage and puts his arm around me, looking to the crowd which is going crazy.

"Tell everyone your name," he looks at me with caring but pleating eyes to go along with whatever he has planned. I nod my head, now realising that I have to go along with his evil plan. Who could say 'no' to Jared Leto, I mean, who?

I hesitate for a moment then I speak, "My name's (Y/n)," I manage to stutter out because of my massive stage fright. The crowd roared in support for Jared and the band. I look over at Geeky, and she is taking pictures of me and him on the stage with his arm draped over my shoulders.

"Well (Y/n) you've just been awarded a gift," he says happily but also a little proper all at once. I look at him confused. He pulls my head up to his face; his soft, warm lips collide with mine. For a few seconds it felt as if we were the only people in the world, but, sadly, the kiss came to a stop and we broke apart, hearing roars of encouraging screams from the audience.

I look over at Geeky, and I see her mouth hanging open in shock, surprise, and happiness all in one facial expression. I then head back to my seat as Jared, Shannon, and Tomo continue with the concert.

~~Time Skip~~

After the concert I headed for backstage, seeing as I had a backstage pass the 'security guard' allowed me to enter the backstage area. Once Jared saw me he hugged me again, like he did when I walked into the building. "I knew you two where lovebirds! I saw that kiss on the stage!"

I turn to see Shannon laughing playfully, and my face heats up once more, "Oh Brother, where you looking to see it again? Would you stop just walking in," Jared asks his brother. Shannon puts his hands up in defence and walks out the room backwards.

I laugh at the two brothers 'argument'. Jared presses his forehead against mine. "I love you, J." I blush at my own words as I put my lips closer to his wanting another one of his warm, soft kisses.

"I love you too, (Y/n)," he softly states before his lips reconnect to my own lips, pulling me into a sweet, tender kiss, much less rushed than the one on the stage.

"I love you more," I whispered softly to him after we broke the kiss.

Hey lovelies! It's been awhile since I've been writing and I thank each and everyone of you for 250 views, that's amazing! I have been working on this for a while back and I was in Macon, Georgia due to the hospital being a real piece of crap! So I have not updated anything else on here. Why don't you share my profile and books to people who would like them? I love all you lovelies, and I will see you in the next update! Byyyyyeeeeee!

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