Chapter 41: Life After Death

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Spots swim before my eyes as the landscape before me comes into focus. I realize I'm back on the battlefield, but it looks radically different than it did before. There isn't a trace of a shadow creature left anywhere in the valley, and small groups have formed around the wounded. Some are being carried away for treatment while others are put on a disturbingly large pile of bodies. Those must be the casualties.

Someone notices my presence, and a commotion spreads across the tattered remains of the Forces of Light. A large group starts to form around me as people flock to my side. They shout questions and excited greetings at me.

"Where is the Shadow Commander?"

"It's the champion!"

"Where were you?"

"Did you defeat the Dark One?"

"We've won! Hail the Great Goddess!"

"Do you know about the white haired one?"

The last comment catches my attention. "Gilbert?" I had been so distracted by everything going on that I had completely forgotten about my friends.

Silence settles over the crowd, and everyone turns to look at the largest group of people a ways off from us. A sickening feeling fills the pit of my stomach. The various guardians of Elarium move out of the way for me as I run toward the larger group. Fear makes my hurried steps tremble, and I almost trip over my own feet. I slow down just before reaching the outside circle of people.

Pascaline and Rin are the first to acknowledge my presence. "We are victorious, champion," Pascaline says in a somber voice. "Unfortunately, there were casualties..." Her voice trails off.

Little Rin hops over to me and wraps her arms around my legs. "It's okay, Lizzie. Please don't be sad."

Pain stabs my chest at her words. There can be only one person she heard that nickname from. "Where is he?"

"Please remain calm-"

"Where is he?"

"This way." Kor steps forward and gently takes my hand. "I'll take you there."

Many serious faces pass by me as the forest god leads me through the large crowd. Some people reach out in what they must believe is a comforting gesture. I try not to think about why I would need comforting and follow Kor into the heart of the group. My friends quickly crowd around me.

"Liza," Feli says in distress. "We did everything but..." He looks down at his feet.

"I tried to tell you, Elizabeta," Kiku whispers. He takes the hand Kor was holding a moment ago. "I tried to tell you before you flew away. I'm so sorry I couldn't stop it."

Lovino steps forward, but doesn't say anything. He ushers his brother away without a word. Before they leave, the Wolf gives me a look I've never seen him give anyone. It's one of empathy.

The departure of the Vargas brothers reveals what everyone is gathered around, a figure laying on the grass. It's Gilbert.

"Hey, Lizzie," he says in a weak voice. "I can't made it back...I'm glad."

I kneel beside him, unable to say a word. There's blood, so much blood.

"Don't...look so upset." The Bear reaches out and touches my hand. "It's going to be'll see."

"Gilbert," I whisper. "Gilbert..."

"Yeah...I'm right here, Lizzie." His thumb rubs soothing circles on my hand.

"I...what...I don't..."

" frowning." A strained smile tugs on Gilbert's lips, but I can't seem to mimic the expression. His eyes gain a far away look. "Remember...that night under the stars...when you woke up...after being asleep for...four days?"

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