Chapter 29: Wolf Temple

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This passageway is dimly lit like the one that led to the crossroad. I keep from going too fast to avoid tripping since I can barely see past my nose. Feli whimpers slightly when his outstretched hand brushes up against my back. The noise he makes is quiet, but it eerily echoes off the earthen walls.

A small pinprick of light becomes visible in the distance and I pick up my pace. I can hear Feli and Lovino behind me also begin to move faster as the speck of light grows larger. Hope expands in my chest at the same rate as the light, and there's no mistaking it as an exit.

We burst through the corridor into a very odd looking room. It's circular and has shiny bits of what appears to be glass stuck in the walls. The dirt floor also has sparkling bits of glass embedded in it, and I wonder what the point of it could be.

" pretty," Feli sighs. He carefully runs his hands across the wall. "Isn't this pretty Lovi?"

No answer comes.

The younger twin and I turn around to see what the problem is, and we can't believe our eyes. There are two Lovinos standing before us. Each one glares at the other with palpable dislike, and they turn to look at us simultaneously. It's probably one of the creepiest things I've ever seen.

"L-Lovi?" Feli asks in confusion.

"What?" the two Lovinos say at the same time.

"He was talking to me, bastard!" growls the Lovino on the right.

"No, he was talking to me!" shouts the other Lovino.

"You wanna bet?" Lovino One shouts.

"Let's settle this, you copycat bastard!"

"You're the copycat! I'm the real one!"

"As real as a mirage!" Lovino Two counters.

"Lovino..." Feli whimpers. He looks back and forth between the two Wolves in a panic. "Which one are you?"

"Stay out of this, bastard!" Lovino One shouts.

"Don't get involved where you're not needed, Feliciano!" Lovino Two roars.

I narrow my eyes at their answers. They both sounded like something the real Lovino would say, but at the same time, something seems off. I watch the two Lovinos argue back and forth as a plan forms in my head. Things are getting pretty heated between the lookalikes, so I decide it's best to act soon.

"Feli," I hiss. He looks at me with a strange expression, and I give him a reassuring smile. "I have an idea."

The Wolf nods in understanding. He turns back to the two forms of his brother, who are now at each other's throats, and waits for me to act.

"Hey!" I shout. The two Lovinos pause their fight to look at me. "Can one of you carry me? I'm feeling faint."

"As if!" Lovino Two says with a roll of his eyes. "Suck it up!"

"Yeah! You have legs! Use 'em!" Lovino One agrees.

"Pleeeeeeaaaassseeee, Lovi?" I beg with a flutter of my eyes.

"Forget it!" yells Lovino One.

"'t call me that!" shouts Lovino Two through a faint blush.

Feli and I smile at each other. "You're the real one," I say pointing to Lovino Two.

"Heh, nice job," Lovino One says as he lets go of the other's throat. "You did pretty good for a couple of idiots." He begins to fade away. "You can move on to the next room...if you dare."

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