Chapter 8: Thief

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I'm not the only one who doesn't want to get up in the morning, and so we decide it would be beneficial to take a day off.

"Strictly for recuperative reasons," Ludwig insists, but we all know it's a day to have fun.

We eat a hot breakfast at a small tavern in the middle of the city before making plans for the day. I watch Gilbert and Feli in amusement as they compete to see who can pack away the most porridge. Feli finishes his fifth bowl, then grabs Gilbert's half eaten one to finish that too. 

"I think Feli wins," I announce with a laugh. He smiles widely before spooning more creamy porridge into his mouth.

"How can you eat so much?" Gilbert groans. "You're so freaking scrawny!" He places his head down on the table with another groan. I hate to think about the stomachache he's going to have later.

"You two are lucky we brought a lot of money with us," Ludwig says as he eyes up the stack of empty bowls on our table.

"Oh lighten up Ludwig," I say with a smile. I give him a playful punch to the shoulder. "It's our day off, remember?"

"Let him worry," Gilbert says with a wave of his hand. His voice is somewhat muffled from his head still on the table. "West enjoys fussing over things, so that's how he's going to have fun today."

"T-that's not true!" the blonde Bear says in a flustered voice. Kiku and I laugh at his obvious embarrassment.

Lovino, who has been silent the whole time, gets up and starts to walk away. He only pauses long enough to say, "I'm going to go do stuff." We watch him walk out of the tavern without another word.

Feli lets out a small sigh. "I was hoping Lovi and I could go look at vendor stalls today."

"I'll go with you Feli," I tell him softly. I thought maybe Lovino would act a little better after our talk last night, but I guess not.

"I'm going to be looking for supplies with Ludwig," Kiku informs me. "I hope that'll be alright."

"That works out great actually," I reply. "Now I won't feel so bad for leaving you alone."

"Hey! What about me?" Gilbert asks in a loud voice. The four of us look at each other uncomfortably. He looks up when he notices our hesitation to answer, and gets up from the table. "Fine. The awesome me doesn't need anyone else to have a good time anyway!"

He saunters away from the rest of us with an indignant air about him. The door to the tavern slams behind him as he goes off to who knows where.

"Well that could've gone better," I murmur to myself. "We might as well get going too, right Feli?"

"Right!" he agrees happily. We say goodbye to our other two companions and exit the tavern as well.

The city is a lot more lively during the day than at night when we first arrived. People mill about going from shop to shop, and some people try to drive horse drawn carts through the crowds with difficulty. The two of us follow the crowd to a large open market full of vendors selling things from flowers to pottery. Feli hops around excitedly as he tries to decide where to go first.

"Where should we start Liza? Let's go look at boots! No, food! Veeee~! They have flowers over there! Oh, there are some flags! Aren't they colorful? Let's get some new clothes!"

"Woah, settle down," I say as I try to contain his excitement. "One thing at a time Feli."

He finally decides on looking at flowers first, which turned out to be really nice, until he got scared by some bees. We quickly move on to the next stall, which has a wide variety of sweets and pastries. Feli won't leave until I buy us both some glazed sweet buns, since I'm the one carrying the money. Eating seems to have distracted him from his excitement because he stops jumping around. I nearly drop my bun when he comes to a sudden stop in front of me, and I almost run into him.

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