Chapter 12: Flight

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My eyes shoot open as the goddess disappears. Orange sunlight blinds me for a moment as I try to figure out where I am. It seems like I've been moved to the main room of the Bear Temple with the altar and statue while I was unconscious. The sun is at the perfect angle to come through the Temple's main hall and get me right in the eyes. I shade my eyes and look around to find the others are also lying on the ground. They all begin to stir at the same time.

"Ugh...what happened?" Gil asks.

"I was hoping you could tell me," I reply. "The last thing I remember was passing out in the room with the bears."

"West caught you," Gilbert recalls. "Then the rest is a blank."

"We must have all lost consciousness at the same time," Kiku determines.

"How did we get back out here?" Lovino asks with a shake of his head.

"Beats me," I say with a shrug. "Maybe it was magic."

"With all the crazy stuff going on lately I wouldn't be surprised," Gilbert mumbles.

"Everyone's alright though, right?" Ludwig asks in his deep voice. We all nod.

"Veeee~! That was a nice nap!" Feli raises his arms to stretch, but winces and pulls his left arm back. I had almost forgotten about his injury.

"Here, Feli. Let me see," I say as I scoot over to him.

"It's okay Elizabeta! Really!" the Wolf insists. He pulls his arm in closer.

"Just show me Feli." I give him a look that says I'm not going to take no for an answer.

He sighs and hesitantly holds his arm out to me. I carefully roll the sleeve back and gasp. The cut on his arm is definitely not okay. It looks like it's infected, so it's all discolored and swollen. Dried pus and scabs crust the edge of the wound, and I do my best not to touch it.

"Feli, how long has it been like this?" I ask in distress.

"A while," he says with his head bowed. "I didn't want everyone to worry. I didn't want to hold everyone back."

"You idiot," Lovino growls. He's standing above the two of us and looking at his brother’s arm. "How many times do I have to tell you to think about yourself more?"

"I-I'm s-s-sorry," Feli stutters out. Tears begin to pool in the corner of his eyes. "I-I didn't know w-what to do."

"How are we supposed to treat an infection like that?" Ludwig asks in concern. "We don't have any medicine strong enough, and it will get worse before we can make it back to any civilization."

A tense silence comes over our group as we realize the severity of our situation. I gently release Feli's arm and begin to roll up my sleeves.

"What are you doing Liza?" the sniffling Wolf asks. He wipes a few tears away with the back of his good arm.

"I've never tried this before," I tell him. "So I'm just preparing myself." I place my hands just above his wound and brace myself. "I don't think this will hurt, but brace yourself just in case."

Everyone watches me try to heal Feli's arm. I've only just acquired this ability, so I have no idea how it really works. All I know is that it has to work or Feli's in deep trouble. I focus on the wound and will it with my mind to heal. Energy begins to flow through me to my hands, and they let off a golden light. We all stare dumbfounded when Feli's arm heals itself. It first gets rid of the infection, then the cut itself disappears. The light fades, and Feli holds up his arm, which is now in perfect condition.

"Veeeee~! Liza! How did you do that?" Feli asks with a big smile. "Thank you!" He gives me a big hug, which I gladly return.

"How did you do that?" Gilbert asks curiously. I can tell he's not the only one who wants to know.

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