Chapter 36: Breaking Out

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"You know this girl?" one of the armored guards asks.

"I've had the misfortune of meeting her before," Kiku's mother replies. "I make a point not to interact with street rubbish."

The guards laugh nervously. I, on the other hand, do my best to hide my terror. The mere presence of this woman saps the strength from my knees. Hungary eyes the pinch faced woman with disdain. She shifts her footing on my shoulder and ruffles her reddish feathers impatiently.

"Do not let her get to you, Elizabeta," my partner warns. "You are stronger than she is."

Kiku's mother seems to notice the phoenix for the first time. "The elders informed us of your...change in spirit animal alignment, but they did not say you could manifest one." Her expression turns to one of scorn. "You're not worthy of such a majestic creature. You agree, don't you?"

I flinch away from her words. Somehow this woman knows exactly where to prod to expose a weakness. Years of playing politics must have honed this ability in her, and she's very aware of it. A sharp smile appears on her lips.

"Yes, I know all about you. Anyone that is on the council knows. Moving from family to family because you are a misfit, a scourge on society, it's pathetic." Her smile fades. "And then you stole my son from me."

"H-he ran away!" I exclaim. "From you! He hated you!"

"Don't act like you know my son!" she shrieks, the mention of failure on her part sending her into a frenzy. "You filled his mind with silly ideas! You two!" She points to the two guards at the front of the pack. "Get her!"

The two armored men run toward me, but they're stopped by tongues of scorching red flame. Hungary beats her large wings to create more fire, which pushes guards further back.

"I can't hold them off like this forever," she tells me. "The house will catch fire. You must fight."

"I....I don't know..."

"Be strong, Elizabeta," the phoenix says in my mind. "You are capable of winning this battle. You must overcome your fears."

She stops fanning the flames and folds her wings back. We make eye contact, and she fades away. An encouraging warmth pulses from the tattoo on my chest, and I know it's her trying to encourage me. The guards charge once more as soon as the flames die away. Their spears give them a longer range, but they're limited by the space in the narrow hall. I easily slip under their weapons and knock the first unconscious with a hard kick to the head. The other whirls around to face me, but I've already aimed a blow to his nose with the handle of my silver dagger. It connects and sends him stumbling backward. One last kick to the chest drops him to the ground.

I face the pinch faced woman with a new determination. I'm done being afraid of her intimidation. There are worse things that I'll have to face than a controlling mother.

"You've changed," she murmurs thoughtfully. "Never mind. I will have you tell me where my son is."

"He has a name," I practically spit at her.

"I have no interest in repeating old conversations," Kiku's mother says in a no nonsense voice. "I know my son's name, I gave it to him myself, but it's not one to be used by just anyone. He is a member of the elite class, and should be treated as such."

"Kiku is a person! He should be allowed to make his own choices!" I shout.

"He is too young to make his own choices! That became clear when he ran away with you."

"Because of you," I say accusingly, dangerously. "You made him miserable-"

"I did what was best for my son!" A hint of insanity shadows her features. "I was going to make him the greatest Honda this family has ever seen!"

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