Chapter 1: The Legend

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There's a legend in the land of Elarium that its inhabitants tell to remind each other of how they came to be and what they have to be grateful for. It goes something like this. 

Once, a very long time ago, there was the land, the goddesses, their children, and that was all. There were no angels in those times. Just the first, who is a goddess, Matrisus. She roamed the land with the other goddesses who all lived in harmony with each other and the land. Matrisus is the first angel. She had golden wings unlike her children today. She was the mightiest of all the goddesses, and they served under her as loyal friends.

The first goddess of the three lower goddesses is Urmatri. Urmatri is the creator of the mountains and deep forests where her children, the bears, still roam today. She is the patron of power and courage. Her children are large, strong, and fear nothing. They are steadfast to the end.

The second lower goddess is Lumatri. Lumatri is the creator of large tracts of grasslands and rushing rivers. Her children, the wolves, roam in packs across the grasslands, and drink from her pure waters. She is the patron of agility and family. Her children are lithe, swift, and affectionate. They will never abandon a member of their group.

The third lower goddess is Aquimatri. Aquimatri is the creator of the vast skies and low valleys where her children, the eagles, soar in search of prey. She is the patron of knowledge and justice. Her children are keen, clever, and just. They will always do what they know is right.

These three are not the only goddesses, but they are the three that did the most for Matrisus. 

One day, a dark presence disturbed the land of Elarium. A shadow crawled across the land, tainting the hearts of everything it touched. The children of the goddesses of earth and plants were the first to be lost to the shadows, and their mothers quickly followed. 

Matrisus began to fear for the fate of the land. She called upon all of the goddesses to assist her fight against the shadows. None of them answered her plea for help, except Urmatri, Lumatri, and Aquimatri. The rest were too scared or too weak. The three goddesses knelt in front of Matrisus and pledged their allegiance to her. They promised to rally their children to the cause.

"I will give you my two fiercest children," Urmatri said to Matrisus. "They are brothers, and will fight courageously." She presented two large bears. 

Not to be outdone, Lumatri presented two identical wolves. "I will also give you two brothers," she said to Matrisus. "These twins of mine are the swiftest of my children."

The two goddesses looked at Aquimatri to see what she would offer. "I will give you the wisest and most just of my children," she said to Matrisus. "My children are clever enough to be worth two of any other mothers' children."

Matrisus and her companions visited the homes of each child to gain the blessings of the goddesses and the land. In the mountains, the bear brothers were blessed with enchanted claws. In the plains, the wolf twins were blessed with heightened senses. In the valleys, the single eagle was blessed with foresight.

The companions continued to the edges of the shadow infection. They fought bravely for many days and nights against the encroaching shadows. Matrisus landed the final blow with her powerful spear. With the threat gone, Matrisus prepared to spread the news of their victory when she became aware of the state of her companions.

Her small group of loyal children lay on the ground behind her dying. They had fought with all of their might. Matrisus knelt next to each child in turn and informed them of their victory. They all raised their voices to the heavens, praising the goddess with their last breath. 

Tears began to fall from Matrisus's eyes. She called upon her ancient power to transform each child into an angel like her. Each one with beautiful wings, although not gold like hers, and intricate black tattoos of the animal they used to be. She breathed life back into each angel, one by one. Thus she gave life to the race of angels that still inhabit Elarium today.

"I give you, my children, charge over the land," said to them. "Take care of it until the day I return to you." The strain of creating the other angels took a heavy toll on her body. After speaking those words, Matrisus fell into a deep sleep and faded from sight. Although her physical presence is gone, her consciousness still dwells in the land today and watches over her children. 

Her children began to learn about the powers they had been granted by their powerful mother. Each one could soar through the air on their large wings, and jump over the tallest trees. They also discovered they could change back into their previous forms using the magic contained in their tattoos. In this way did each return to their groups and produce offspring. Some of their children could turn into angels, but they could not change back. All they could do was manifest their animal form as a kind of spirit animal. It acted as a companion for them, and a link to their origin. Only the original five children could shift back and forth between animal and angel. 

From the original five children, the race of angels grew, and split into three tribes. Each tribe has a different goddess as its patron, but all hold Matrisus, their mother, in the highest regard. And that is how the land of Elarium remains to this day. 

Latin Meanings for Names:

Elarium: formed using elisium de alarum (paradise of wings)

Matrisus: formed using matri de universus (mother of all)

Urmatri: formed using ursus matri (bear mother)

Lumatri: formed using lupus matri (wolf mother)

Aquimatri: formed using aquila matri (eagle mother)

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