Chapter 25: Panic

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We leave Pratilux a few days later. The people are sad to see us leave, but wish us luck on our journey. Several spirit animals follow us for a while, but they eventually go back to the village. Things finally seem to have gone back to normal.

Our spirit animals walk with us as we head toward the heart of Wolf Territory. The two wolves, Italy and Romano, prance around in the tall grass, enjoying being back in their homeland. Hungary and Kiku's partner, Japan, fly above us and keep an eye out for anything that looks like trouble. It's been peaceful so far, so I'm not too worried. Germany and Prussia, the two bears, pad heavily beside me as I walk through the waist high grass.

The white bear, Prussia, keeps sniffing at me playfully, and I shoot him fake annoyed looks. The other bear rolls his eyes at our banter. He picks up his pace to walk by Ludwig, who is leading our group. I snicker softly. It's funny how alike those two are.

"So, what's the Wolf Temple like?" I ask Feli. The younger Wolf twin grins at me as he hops around with his spirit animal.

"I've only been there once, but it was really pretty," he tells me. "It's built out of the only hill in all of Wolf Territory."

"There's only one hill? Are you serious?" I ask a little skeptically. "There's gotta be more than that."

"Nope! Just one!" Feli answers. "Legend says the Wolf Mother made the hill just for the Temple. Before that there were no hills at all."

"Wow," I say. It's hard for me to imagine the entire Territory is flat. Eagle Territory is full of hills and the Bear Territory has whole mountain ranges on it.

"Yup! That's why it's hard to spot the rivers from a distance," the Wolf explains. "Sometimes you don't see them until it's too late!"

Suddenly, a panicked scream breaks the still of the air. It's coming from the front of the group, and I can't help but think it sounds like Gilbert. Feli and I run to where the yelling is coming from. As we get closer, the sound of splashing can also be heard. That can only mean one thing.

"My idiot brother fell in the river," Ludwig says to us with one hand rubbing his temple.

"Serves him right for not watching where he was going," Lovino grumbles from next to the Bear.

A rather large river stretches out in front of us, and true to Feli's words, it would have been almost impossible to see unless it was already too late. Gilbert is floundering around in the middle of the river with a very unhappy look on his face.

"It's freezing cold!" he shouts. "Stop laughing at me and help me out!"

"Why can't you get out yourself?" I ask him through giggles. Feli and I are the only ones who seem to find this situation humorous.

"Fine! But then I'm going to throw you in!"

I run away squealing when the white haired Bear emerges from the river dripping wet. He shakes himself off like a wet dog, which gets Ludwig and Lovino wet too. The two complain loudly at the laughing Gilbert, who doesn't see the large, light gold bear approaching him. Germany uses his forepaws to push the Bear back into the river, then nods once at Ludwig before disappearing. The other animals also disappear to avoid any trouble that could yet come.

"" Gilbert pants as he drags himself out of the river for a second time.

"That's what you get for being a brat," Ludwig says matter of factly. "Well, since we're already wet we may as well enjoy it." He starts to strip off his shirt, and the others take it as a cue to do the same.

"W-what's going on?" I call from my hiding spot, far, far away from the river.

"We're going swimming, idiot! What does it look like?" Lovino shouts back. I look away as he takes off his trousers, leaving him in just a thin pair of undershorts.

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