Chapter 22: Warmth of the Heart

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I know.

I know with my mind, my heart, and my very soul that what Gilbert said is true. I can see it in his eyes and the way that he's blushing like crazy as he waits for my reaction. I can see it in the way he sits beside me, completely absorbed in the exchange between us yet alert for anything that might ruin this perfect moment. I can see that he loves me. And I love him.

A small laugh bubbles up from inside of me. Gilbert looks at me with a mixture of confusion and worry. I can't stop myself from laughing some more. This feeling in my heart is something I can't describe, and for one of the very few times in my life, I'm happy.

The albino must think I'm laughing at him because he pulls away slowly. "I'm sorry if that's not what you-"

He stops when he sees me wiping more tears from my eyes as I laugh, my whole body shaking from a mixture of laughing and crying.

"Oh jeez, Lizzie. You don't have to cry," the Bear says in a bit of a panic. "I'm sorry, okay? We can act like this never happened! It was so unawesome of me....Lizzie, I'm sorry!"

"I-I'm not laughing at you," I say through my tears. I move my hands away from my face to smile brightly at him. "I'm so happy the tears won't stop." I laugh shakily as more tears spill onto my cheeks.

Gilbert laughs with me and scoots closer to wipe the newly formed tears from my eyes. "You scared me for a bit there," he tells me softly as he brushes away the last of my tears.

"Why?" I ask him. I know the answer, but I want to hear him say it.

A blush rises to his cheeks again, and he looks down at the ground before answering. "I was afraid I'd scare you away. Then you started laughing and I thought you'd laugh in my face and tell me I'm an idiot."

"You're not an idiot. Well, not most of the time," I joke. He smiles slightly at that, but I can tell he's still tense. "I wouldn't be scared though. I could never be scared of you, Gil."

"Really?" he says with a mischievous glint appearing in his eyes. "What if I do this?"

A growl rises from the Bear's throat, and before I can react, he pounces on me and pins me to the ground. I try to wriggle free, but Gilbert's hands hold my wrists firmly in place. He looms over me with his usual cocky smirk and leans in a little closer.

"Scared yet?" he asks.

"No," I say slightly out of breath. The feeling of Gilbert holding my wrists sends electricity through my body, and I wonder if he can feel it too.

The white haired Bear leans in a little closer. "You should be," he whispers almost seductively.

A shiver runs down my spine at the sound of his husky voice, and my heart noticeably speeds up at his suggestiveness. It's my turn to blush as I prepare myself for what comes next.

"I can't be scared of you....because...." My voice fails me as I try to explain myself.

Gilbert simply raises his eyebrow questioningly. It's the only prompting I need to continue.

"Because...because I love you."

It's as if my heart opens and all the feelings I've been holding inside come rushing out with my confession. Gilbert's beautiful red eyes widen noticeably when he realizes what I just said. Next thing I know, his lips are pressed to mine with such need that it takes my breath away. This is nothing like our kiss in Sylvumbra. This kiss is full of so much emotion that I'm not sure my heart can take it.

Gilbert releases my wrists and gently rolls over so that I'm on top. He wraps his arms around me in a needy, protective way, and one of his hands trail up my back to tangle in my hair. I hold his face to mine with both of my hands, and his skin feels warm and soft under my fingers. Sparks fly between the two of us as our lips move in unison. He even takes things further by swiping his tongue across my lip, and my breath catches in my throat.

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