I See the Moon and the...Wait, is That Cybertron?!

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That night, I go to look at the stars again. The moon is full, lighting up the night. I start humming an old lullaby that one of my foster parents sung to me when I was younger.

It went:

I see the Moon, and the Moon sees me

And the Moon sees somebody I want to see

God bless the Moon, and God bless me

And God bless the somebody I want to see

I'm on my second rendition when I notice something weird. Are there two moons? That's impossible! I jump up and stare at the sky. Definitely two moons. Then it hits me. One of those isn't a moon. It's Cybertron. My eyes widen, and I race downstairs. Everyone else is already in bed.

"Wake up! Wake up!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Jake jumps up.

"I'll get the ninjas for you! Hi-ya!" he says, still sleeping. I smack him, waking him fully up. Jake jerks and opens his eyes. He relaxes when he realizes that it's me until he sees my face. Cho and Hunter sleepily get up but wake up completely when they see my face as well.

"Come on, we have to get the Autobots! NOW!" I exclaim, racing down the hall, the others right on my heels. The Autobots are spread throughout the base, but in five minutes, everyone's gathered in the commons.

"Guys, we have another problem," I tell them. "Cybertron is now orbiting Earth."

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter, but the suspense was necessary. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and voting never hurts. Thanks for reading! :-)

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