Decepticons Making Me Crazy

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The four of us move between the trees as stealthily as we can, which in Arcee and Bumblebee's case, isn't very stealthy. We stop at the edge of the tree line, which ends a yard or so from the rim of a massive crater.

"Jake and I will go closer. We don't want to risk the Decepticons seeing you guys," I tell Arcee and Bumblebee, who nod. Jake and I creep closer to the rim on our bellies. Peering carefully over the crater's rim, we look down upon what seems to be a mining operation. A big one. The bottom of the basin is crawling with Decepticons. Out of the corner of my eye, I see one carrying something in its hands. Slowly taking my backpack off, I grab my binoculars out of it. Using them, I focus in on the Decepticon's hands. It's holding a weird blue crystal.

"What is that?" I wonder out loud, trying to get a better look at it. I'm so absorbed in trying to get a better look I drop my binoculars when Jake accidentally bumps me. Right down onto the head of a Decepticon; who looks up and sees us, frozen at the top of the crater. It blinks before turning and saying something to the Decepticons around it and pointing at us. We duck back down, but it's too late. There are already Decepticons rushing up out of the crater at us.

"Crap," I say, jumping up from the ground, grabbing my backpack, and racing back to the tree cover, Jake right behind me.

"Go, go, go!" I hiss at Bumblebee and Arcee. "Mission complete. Decepticons are after us. Let's get out of here!"

"We can't. We'll lead the Decepticons right back to the base, or worse, the city," Jake argues, his eyes wide. Last time we were in this kind of situation, we almost didn't make it out.

It was two months ago. We were infiltrating one of the Decepticon bases when we got caught. There was a big fight, and we both almost got shot. Several times. The Autobots won, but we were dirty and bruised by the end. Unfortunately, Megatron got away.

Lost in memories, I don't hear Bumblebee right away.

Beep, beep. Bzzt, bzzt. Beep, bop, bzzt.

"What? You're not making any sense, Bumblebee," I say, trying to make sense of what he's saying. Bumblebee realizes too that I don't--can't--understand what he's saying. He turns to Arcee for help. She seems just as confused as we do.

"A base? Where? What?" Arcee asks. Bumblebee throws his hands up in the air.

Beep, bzzt, beep, beep.

That I understand.

"Alright. Lead the way, Bumblebee. I hope you're right about whatever you said because if you're not, we're toast," I tell him. Bumblebee starts jogging away from the Decepticons, meaning Jake and I have to sprint to keep up. I can hear the sound of the Decepticons now, their heavy footsteps pounding behind us. That's when Jake trips on a root and falls. I skid to a stop and race back for him.

"Hurry! Come on! We got to go!" I exclaim, trying to help him stand. Jake's face is pale.

"My ankle," he whispers. "It's sprained." I drape one of his arms over my shoulder and drag him behind a tree just as the Decepticons break through the trees. We hold our breath as they race past us in the direction Bumblebee and Arcee kept going in. Bee and Arcee know the drill. If one of us falls, they need to keep going. We'll hopefully catch up with them.

Technically, I wasn't supposed to stop for Jake (Me stopping means that there's a chance two of us could die, instead of only one), but our human team has its own rules. The top one: No one gets left behind.

When we can't hear the footsteps of the Decepticons anymore, I peek around the tree trunk. Silence. I open up my backpack quietly and slowly and take out the handgun I have in there. Even if it doesn't do a lot of damage to a Decepticon, when pointed at their face, it provides cover for someone to get away.

Jake props himself up against the tree, quietly preparing to move. As he gets ready, I keep watch. Don't need any bot or human sneaking up on us. Suddenly, I hear a crunch. I spin around, pointing my gun at the noise, adrenaline singing through my veins. A blaster gun points back at me from within a bush. I drop to the ground just in time. The blast scorches the tree bark behind Jake, missing his head by inches.

"What the--" Jake exclaims, rolling away. I fire my gun into the blaster, jamming it. Great. Now all the Decepticons in the woods know where we are. The Decepticon holding the blaster gets up and comes for us. We dodge away from it, and I grab Jake, who drapes an arm over my shoulder. Together, we run (or hobble depending on how you see it) as fast as we can from the Decepticon. I hear its footsteps thundering behind us, and know that there's no way we can get away from it together. I push Jake away and take a stand.

"Go Wheels!" I shout over my shoulder. "I'll hold him off."

"No! You can't!" he protests.

"Go! Better only one of us dies than if we both do," I reply. He stubbornly looks at me for a moment, working his jaw, before turning around, and hobbling away as fast he can. The Decepticon just darkly chuckles as he comes closer to me.

"Such heroism for one so small," he says. "Too bad it was all for waste."

"Over my dead body, it will be," I fire back at him.

"That's about to be arranged," he replies, shaking his blaster at me. I laugh, knowing it's plugged.

"Go ahead. Shoot me," I tell the Decepticon, spreading my arms out. "Make my day."

The Decepticon looks surprised, but fires, or tries to, anyway. The blaster explodes, and since it's part of him, takes most of his arm with it. Dang, are some of these bots dumb. He could have just crushed me, but no, gotta blast at me instead. Except, now I have an angry Decepticon who's like 20 feet tall and wants to kill me.

I fire at his face and run for it in the direction I just came from, the Decepticon coming after me

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I fire at his face and run for it in the direction I just came from, the Decepticon coming after me.

A/N: Hi again! Thanks so much for reading this entire chapter! I hope you're enjoying the story so far! If you are, please feel free to vote and comment! Don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts! I'd love to hear them! 😎

Queen Bee - A Transformers Fanfic (Book 1 in Queen Bee series)Where stories live. Discover now