Medic Down

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"Cho! Cho, where are you?" I yell into my comm. No response. Coughing from the dust, I start toward the tunnel branch that Cho and Ratchet went down.

"Cho! Come in Cho!" I shout into my comm again, waiting with bated breath for her response. Finally, a raspy cough comes through.

"Cho! That you?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says.

"I'm coming for you. Just stay where you are," I tell her, moving down the tunnel. Cho laughs a little.

"Don't really have a choice," she rasps.

"Do you have your flashlight?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" she answers.

"I need you to start flashing it on and off so I can find you," I explain.

"Okay," she says. Soon I see it flashing on and off through the dust clouds. Rumbles from further in tell me that there's not a lot of time.

"I see you!" I call out to her.

"Down here!" she calls back. Out of the dust, I see Ratchet holding up a huge boulder, and Cho in a depression on the ground, her leg covered in blood. I slide down the slight incline to her.

"Let's get you out of here," I tell her, wrapping her arms around my neck. She climbs on my back, wincing a little as her legs swing. As carefully as I can, I crawl up the incline before getting up on level ground. Ratchet puts the boulder down and hurries out as the room collapses behind him. He takes Cho from me, cradling her in his hand. He nods at me to lead the way out. I start back the way I came as dust particles fall around us and the tunnels shake. Back at the entrance, we face the wall of debris that is blocking our way out. No way we can clear it without burying ourselves.

"Why did you come back for us?" Ratchet asks, looking at me. I smile weakly.

"No one gets left behind," I reply simply. "No matter what."

"How are we getting out? All the side entrances will be blocked by now as well," Cho points out.

"It's like Jenga. Grab the rocks and stuff that aren't supporting anything," I say, realizing that that's our only choice if we want to get out of here. I grab a medium-sized rock and put it to the side. Ratchet joins in, with Cho watching from the side, putting stray rocks in a pile. Every once in awhile, a rumble comes from within the tunnels, and we hear something crumbling.

The rumbling continues to get closer. Soon we have a decent sized hole, which we can fit Cho through if we have her on her back. Carefully, we lift her through the hole to the others, who are on the other side of the hole. Still working, we pull more and more rocks away, until there's a big enough hole for me to get through, and Ratchet to get through if he crawls. He goes first, after much debating, and I go after him. I'm halfway through the hole we made when stuff starts to fall around me. I start running as fast as I can, barely making it out before the tunnel collapses for good. I collapse in a pile, taking in deep gulps of air.

"Let's get out of here," I say in between breaths. The others nod. Someone, Jake, I think, picks me up and carries me over to one of the Autobots.

"Put me down. I can walk on my own," I resist, weakly smacking at the person. Whoever it is laughs.

"Sure you can. Just relax," the person says, placing a motorcycle helmet on me. Jake then. He places me behind him on Arcee, and I wrap my arms around him. I rest my head against his back and drift off as we leave the crater, hopefully for good.

A/N: If you're still reading, I think you are da bomb! Please comment and let me know whatever thoughts are running through your head about this fanfic! Thanks!

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