Any Fight You Can Walk Away From Is A Good Fight

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15 minutes later, I'm running out of breath from dodging and weaving and slicing. Where is my team? I hear the door open in the house, and almost faint with relief. They're here, finally. I continue weaving and dodging, but I'm backing away now, more on defense than offense. Why waste my energy when I don't need to? Starscream misinterprets my retreat and looks triumphant. That's when my team, plus their Autobot partners come bursting into the backyard. Starscream may be an annoying pain in the butt, but he's not stupid. When he sees there are way more of us than of him, Starscream gets his sorry keister out of there faster than you can say "Hot Tamale". I collapse into a pile next to Bumblebee but get up immediately.

"Ratchet! Bumblebee needs help! Can you help him, please?" I beg. It looks bad to me. Ratchet hurries over and begins to work. I give him space.

"Thanks for coming, guys. I don't know what I would have done without you," I say, pulling them into a group hug.

"Yeah. You would be helpless without us," Jake jokes. I elbow him playfully.

"Why are there more robots in our backyard?" Tina's voice rings out. Everyone freezes and turns as one to look at her, well, except for Ratchet, though he turns his head a little so he can hear better.

"Um...well..." I start, looking at the ground.

"Spit it out," Tina commands me.

"These are my friends. Whenever I go out for long periods of time, I'm with them. The car that I've been using is actually a robot named Bumblebee. I'm sorry for all the trouble that I caused you today. I promise to leave, and not come back if you want me to," I say, the words rushing out from me like a waterfall. I look up just in time to see Jace walk out of the house and stand by Tina.

"So these are who you've been with this whole time?" he asks, folding his arms over his chest.

"Yeah," I say quietly. My friends look at each other and slowly give the three of us some space. When it comes to personal matters, we all understand the need for privacy.

"How could you not tell us?" Tina asks, indignant.

"It would have put you at a greater risk. The less you knew, the less useful to the Decepticons you would have been," I explain.

"Yes, but then we would have at least been a little more prepared for today!" Tina exclaims.

"I was trying to protect you!" I retort, incredulous at her response.

"If anyone needs protection, it's you!" Tina fires back. Jace is slowly backing away toward the others. Too many angry females for one guy to handle. I don't blame him.

"I had protection!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air. "This is pointless! I'm done!" I storm off toward Bumblebee and sit down by him, fuming. Ratchet is quiet, sensing I don't want to be talked to right now.

"Will he be okay?" I ask Ratchet after a few minutes.

"Yeah. He won't be able to go on any missions for the next day or so, though," Ratchet replies.

"Bumblebee won't be very happy with that. He'll still be able to transform, right?" I ask.

"As long as he doesn't do anything dumb, yes," Ratchet responds, finishing up his work. He walks away, over to where the other Autobots were convening. I've just gone back to my own thoughts when I hear someone clear their throat. I look up to find Jace standing above me and Bumblebee.

"What do you want?" I ask, resigning myself to another lecture.

"Just want to talk to you," he says, sitting down beside me. "Is this Bumblebee?"

"Yeah," I tell him. Jace nods.

"If you've come to ask me to stay, my answer is no. I've already endangered you enough," I say firmly. Jace sighs.

"I had a feeling that was going to be your answer. If you ever need anything, you got my number," he says, squeezing my shoulder like he was really my dad.

"Thanks. For everything. You've been the best foster parents ever. I've never been in a foster home for as long as I have with you guys," I confess, leaning against him, storing the memory in my head for times when I'll need to remember why I'm fighting and what I'm fighting for. Bumblebee stirs beside me and starts to get up.

"Easy, Bee," I tell him. "Ratchet just finished fixing you up." I stand up from beside Jace, trying to help steady Bumblebee as he gets up. Considering that he's metal and I'm not, I'm not really any help. Jace extends his hand to Bumblebee.

"Nice to meet you," he says to Bumblebee. "Thanks for keeping Lei safe all this time." Bumblebee beeps and bzzts at Jace, who looks confused.

"He says you're welcome and that he'll try to keep me out of trouble in the future," I translate for Bee. Jace nods.

"Though the keeping me out of trouble piece might be a little harder," I add, looking up at Bumblebee. He rumbles a laugh. "I think it's time for us to go. Bye, Jace." He wraps me in a hug, before letting me go and smiling sadly. I smile back and walk on. Tina's waiting for me, and she wraps me in a hug as well.

"I know that you can't stay, but do stay in touch," she says into my hair. I nod against her shoulder.

"I'll try," I tell her, stepping out of the hug. "Goodbye." I jog over to where I dropped my backpack, grab it, and head over to where the rest of the group has gathered.

"I'll meet you guys back at the base. I have to grab a few things before I leave," I say. My team nods, understanding. The Autobots look a little confused but nod anyway. As they go, I run back into the house, and into my room, wincing at the damage to the walls. I grab a few shirts, pants, socks and underclothes, which I shove in my backpack before turning to leave. I touch the wall and say a silent goodbye to the house that I have lived in for the last six months. I'll miss it, but it's for the best. For all of us. I walk out of the house, to where Bumblebee is waiting, transformed into his car form. Tina and Jace are also there, and as I hop into Bumblebee, and he drives away, they wave. I wave back until I can't see them anymore. That's when I let myself cry for losing a home and leaving the two people who were the closest thing I've ever had to parents.

A/N: Goodbyes are the worst. We can only hope that they aren't goodbye forever! Thanks for continuing to read! I appreciate it a lot. Please tell me your thoughts in the comments below! And voting never hurts (but only if you actually like this book).

Queen Bee - A Transformers Fanfic (Book 1 in Queen Bee series)Where stories live. Discover now