Lead They Said...It'd Be Fun They Said

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After a long span of silence, the comms explode with sound. Everyone is talking over one another, and nothing is making sense.

"Guys! One at a time!" I exclaim into the comm. It quiets down a little, but now everyone is at least trying. Cho comes racing into the room, out of breath from sprinting here.

"Are you absolutely sure?" she asks between gasps for air. I nod.

"Tell everyone to get back here. We don't know what's going to happen now," Cho says, taking the words right from my mind.

"Everyone needs to get back here NOW. ASAP. We have a new problem to tackle," I order into the comms. I lean back against the chair, and look at the syringe I'm holding. So much power in such a little container. I carefully set it down, making sure it won't roll off the table. That's the last thing we need.

"They're on their way," I tell Cho. "Let's go." We leave the room together and head to the commons in silence. We sit down against one of the walls in the commons and wait. Bumblebee appears from the hallway, but Prime doesn't show up. I don't blame him.

"Lei, what are we going to do?" Cho asks me quietly, turning her head to look at me.

"I don't know, Cho. I don't know," I tell her honestly. "But when I do know, it'll work." She nods, zoning out.

"Bee, where's Optimus?" I ask after 10 minutes have passed and he still hasn't shown up. Bumblebee points to the ceiling. I nod, understanding his message. Finally, the others arrive. They rush over to me, all asking me questions at once. I hold my hands up for silence.

"All I know is what I said over the comms," I say to them. "Optimus knows a little more, but he's not present right now, so I think we should wait for him." We all wait in silence, thinking about what we just learned. Who knows how many of those crystals the Decepticons had mined before we stopped them? I mean, there had been a lot of branches off the main tunnel. Finally, Bumblebee goes to find Prime. After a short while, they come back. Optimus Prime looks leaderly, though I know it's an act for everyone, but no one else needs to know that.

"You all know what we found in the crystal today. We don't know why or how the Decepticons plan to get to Cybertron, but they'll do everything they can to get there in order to complete their goal. They must be stopped no matter what. Otherwise, it could mean war on Earth. For all humans," he declares solemnly, looking around the room.

"What do we do then?" I ask, my hands on my hips. "I bet that they're planning on doing something with the crystals they have at the plant. Like a portal or something to Cybertron." The others nod, agreeing with my last statement. Optimus turns to Jake, Hunter, Arcee, and Ironhide.

"How much scouting did you do before Lei called you back?" he asks them.

"We had scouted out the main gates and how many Decepticons are posted at them," Jake replies.

"That's enough info to get us into the gates, the rest will have to be improv unless we want to risk scouting it out again," I say, thinking through our options, which are pretty limited.

"If we get in through the gates, an alarm will sound," Hunter adds.

"I'll see if I can find a map of the inside and pipe structure of the plant," Cho says. She's our hacking genius, able to get through any firewall without setting off any alarms on the networks. In other words, she's our hacking ghost. Optimus nods, turning back to the whole crew.

"We'll plan our attack for tomorrow night. Until then, stay here. The Decepticons might try to track you down to your homes, so it would be safer to stay here until then," Optimus concludes. The rest of the team whip their phones out of their pockets in order to text their parents, saying they won't be home tonight.

I look at my phone, checking for new texts. None so far. Part of me is disappointed, but the rest of me is relieved. Now is not the time to get sappy texts from my ex-foster parents. I go up to the top of the plateau and look towards the town and the chemical plant. So many people who have no idea what's happening just outside the town borders. Tomorrow it would all depend on us to save them. If war with the Decepticons started on Earth, no one but us would be ready for it. It would be a massacre. I take a deep breath, and let it all out, trying to relax. Knowing that tomorrow, I would have to put the lives of the people of the world over the lives of my friends. I would have to make some of the hardest decisions of my life tomorrow. Yippee.

A/N: Make sure you have all hands, feet, and any other assorted appendages inside the ride at all times because it's about to get a little crazy! Seatbelts wouldn't hurt, either. Please tell me your thoughts in the comments below! Thanks for reading! :-)

Queen Bee - A Transformers Fanfic (Book 1 in Queen Bee series)Where stories live. Discover now